Tagged release v3.27.1

d972fb9 fix: change translation stop dutch round bidder
9949677 feat: add change language in survey form
4eecc0e feat: add custom detector language from navigator
2e70f66 fix: change en translation in error button and link title
90aafe0 fix: change show translate messages diffMinimalAndCurrentBidPopUp
075b847 fix: bidder text input
12f5f86 fix:[686] tabs text to left column
d65a841 fix:[679] flickering while translating
47a30ea fix:[678] grsadient text for buttons
ef9c26e fix: list language item focus - outline
8846f24 fix: change en translation in done state for dutch auction
0ea6034 fix: fix translation in infobar messages
7350770 fix: fix all line breaks in en translation
e945e8f fix: fix translation date and bid prompt
862a516 fix:fix en diffMinimalAndCurrentBidPopUp translation
2d4db15 feat: enable language switcher and add en_US translation
2f1351a doc: add comment to js code(jsdoc)
f3c4a5d doc: rewrite readme
7db1ab2 fix (CSP): auction ws connection
80fcf35 fix:fix demo dev env values
4aabd76 fix (CSP): auction ws connection
34fb5c3 fix: change add surrvey script. Add ws to connect-src by Safari.
7bf5ebc fix:[68] fix for scroll textara fields
d7b46b5 fix:[662] fix fields stage-rate
3d1488a fix (CSP): temporary add 'unsafe-inline' for survey.js style
405a2df fix (CSP): temporary add 'unsafe-eval' for survey.js
fde3972 fix (required): update package-lock.json for new npm
e2cf887 fix (CI): add CHART_MUSEUM_URL
0adef43 fix (CI): helm artifact name
16123a4 feat: add content-security-policy
60eec40 fix: [66] question button layout
eb6562e fix:[67] scroll to top button
ce5c9ed fix:[69] button fedback form mobile
4a6e4a8 fix:[662] fix margin after feature-settings
cd5e4d5 fix:[662] add font-feature-settings
f5ed0b3 fix:[655] change class name
9a2a050 build: add survey-version to script src to avoid browser caching
58a778d fix:[661] change favicon
51e7bf8 feat(packages): update ga plugin
0cd88b8 fix: change regular expression and replace value
fd8c960 feat:install GA censored plugin