Tagged release v3.34.0

ac98b2f fix: branch deploy
e72b8d4 fix:[821] flag margin responsiv min-width 800px
1318946 change:[832] change the color of header bar, address bar mobile chrome + safari
feeb969 fix:[831]feedback form gradien index
fc32872 changes:[802] when switching pages scroll to top
c565e19 fix:[825] auction type field column to mobile
7b8913b fix: includes files from root path
4abdf28 fix:[805] gradien z-index
225b033 fix: few request to search
f2859a0 fix: translation label field value amount
3bd5be4 fix:[814] add spinner for loaded page
c60329b feat: add matrix action and procedure types by options select
997842a fix:[803]aution id underline
399edf8 change:[817, 824] add style for hover auction type
2ac6191 feat: add support procedure without auction
9b19a03 fix:[788] disabled btn raise and confirm infinity auction version black and white
5911385 fix:[830] change datepiker input border
d56f1d5 change:[826] changing the arrangement of words
d88ae4f fix: filter by value amount if startValueAmount and endValueAmount equal
50bad6d change:[828] pagination position bottom
5ed7373 feat:[806] disabled button reset filters - main page
8ffbacd fix: search include end date
b696fd0 fix: validation amount in main page
21f7dce fix:[815] select list height for main page
97fd47c fix:[818, 819] auction card content first column
bb3e073 fix:[820] autocomplete off to datepicker
5e338be fix:[804] input datepicker border
79d6060 fix:[803] hover autction block for main page
0e25964 feat: remove last page from pagination
31c4089 feat: add filter by click label auction type
92ae548 fix: remove currency filter
02bb02c fix: manifest.json
4c4668b fix: browser cache
d7cfde7 fix: favicon location
6a8dc1d fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
7330532 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
098640c fix: browser cache
401acbc fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
7f50b2b fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
28ba821 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
c763036 fix:[788] disabled button after placing a bid and hidden field bid form
521fb87 fix:[789] scrolling main block after open bidder form
8e9d49f feat: add href by creator auction
23d7421 fix: change show value in AuctionCard
b10e028 fix: preload style, image and font
adccdbb fix: new handler if aucions not fount
b3fcc33 Style for pagination and for IE
3c78754 fix: search by auction and procedure type
2ff9dad fix: remove duplicate attr
28558b5 fix: styles for paginations
7fbc990 fix: add translation datepicker and type auctions options
d54e5d7 fix: fix test case
263b4cc feat: add integration new search api and new pagination
34a4dc2 fix: main page selects, buttons, style pagination
f1f18d4 feat: add reset button to default form value
a22c331 feat: add sidebar to main page
163e563 feat:add to mobile ability to hide active filters
6923c05 feat: change select input to react-select
8e158e9 11.02.2022
08ac434 24.04.2022
e7a2cef 22.04.2022
d779567 feat:[666, 667] redesign main page