Tagged release v3.37.0

adcc5c65 fix: translate issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#892
9f5b786a fix: check info message on connection lost
8c4aa4f7 fix: check render bots
2912e5bc fix: duplicate notifications
c4d9c712 fix:[882] centered item text for progress menu
8c1e52f4 fix: not send bit is valid issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#888
1280f5bf fix: input not clean
772f37b9 feat: styling not found auction page issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#886
36018e6e feat(ws): change unconfirmed bid action
ca03f77d feat: styling not found page
59d48748 feat: add web worker for check connection
a4cc4589 fix: api-version contentType
208b814d feat (ws): add action and transaction
6eae7587 feat (ws): change ws connection url
6c09097d Hotfix/v3.36.2
542b76a5 feat (ws): change ws connection url
4793adf8 fix:[869] scroll tooltip priority auction
cf48d764 fix:[860]background to body
c26bc648 add: [860] background preloader page
01973d5b feed: replace react custom store to redux store. Add new websocket connection.