Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.37.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.37.0
    a1ae3bd feat(dependency): update prozorro-tools issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-tools/-/issues/7
    7c36c90 fix(BSD,BSE): change finalValueSum and operatorToBidderSum calculation for amber issue: #120
    97cf472 fix: don't calculate temporarily issue: #116
    460c4db test: set date 2023-01-13 for testing exceptions issue: #116
  • v3.36.0 protected
    eba64cca · Merge branch... ·
    Tagged release v3.36.0
    d6cc99d fix(RLD,RLE): don't calculate feeSharingOrganizerOperatorSum variable for exception FGVFO issue: #118
    44c51b1 fix: set date for penalty to 3023.02.27 don't calculate temporarily issue: #104
    c417093 fix: use fishery config for calculation operatorFeeSum if false true issue: #114
    427713b fix: don't calculate feeSharingOrganizerOperatorSum issue: #114
    bcd2ec4 feat: add exception for fishery issue: #114
    c596316 feat(BS): add new exception state repository precious stones
    a3e7613 fix(BS,CS,CL,RL): penalty variables null for exceptions
    4c67e67 fix(RLD,RLE): add new sellengEntity to exception
  • v3.35.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.35.0
    2f392c2 fix: change date for penalty to 2023.02.27
    335080c fix(BRD,BRE): change percent value for administratorFee and percentage definition from amountWithTax
    06ebeda fix: set the date from which the changes will take effect
    70a4c29 fix(RLD,RLE): don't charge tax
    808e2c6 fix(RLD,RLE): feeSharingOrganizerOperator variable always with vat
    0ee283a refactor: use math_round function from tools
    bd95119 feat: disq
    3b50fb6 fix(RLD,RLE): change feeSharingOrganizerOperator calculation
  • v3.34.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.34.0
    39f3ffb feat: set date for new operatorFee percentage issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/105
    959a2a0 test: change date from for config issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/105
    c5fc3bd fix: add upgrade wheel in dockerfile
    5ca5b4c refactor: separate config files for uz exception
    c093b60 feat(BS,CS): change operatorFee percentage issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/105
    f0603ea refactor(ALE,BSE): separate configs for PrivatBank issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/106
  • v3.33.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.0
    4b991e5 fix(LL): for martialLawDisclaimer calculate operatorFeeSum if other in schedule issue: prozorro-sale/billing#103
    0b22186 test: add test for martialLawDisclaimer with other issue: prozorro-sale/billing#103
    0084186 fix: remove tax from operatorFee issue: prozorro-sale/billing#102
  • v3.32.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.32.0
    4878921 Update calculator_configs/regulationsPropertylease-customs_bank.yml
    0155710 Update calculator_configs/constants.yml
    22bfb2b fix: available to set 0 for minValue in config
    afb0501 refactor: remove overwriteValue logic
    28d3185 fix(BS): BS for NPL proc operatorFee valueAddedTaxIncluded false if without tax
    ce4ffdc fix(BR,LR,LS,LP,SP): recalculate finalValue and finalValueTaxAmount variables
    15c6550 fix(BS,SP,LP): do not calculate operatorFeeTaxAmount variable if there is no tax
    78c326c fix(ALE): recalculate finalValue and finalValueTaxAmount variables issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/96
    300626c fix(BS): change feeSharingOrganizerOperator valueAddedTaxIncluded issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/protocol-service/-/issues/167
    c2f5540 fix(CL,LL,RL): calculate annualLeasePrice from amountWithTax issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/100
    89f4a8f fix(RLD,RLE): add tax for operatorFee value in case false false issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/98
    e2716f7 feat(LL): leaseDuration sets to year if martialLawDisclaimer True issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/97
    f49c955 feat(LPD,LPE): add config issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/99
    8859c50 fix(ALE): change finalValueSum value calculating issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/96
  • v3.31.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.31.0
    8766155 fix(ALE,CSE,CSD): percentage definition from value with tax issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/93
    a144d6f fix(SPD,SPE): return 0 if finalValueSum negative https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/95
    d444dd7 test: add tests for the remaining procedures
    6675ae6 test(BRE): add test for operatorFee variable
    696ccba test(ALE): add test for operatorFee calculation
    0c0093c test: add fixtures
    adef902 test: check operatorFee, operatorToBidderSum dependence on schedule value
  • v3.30.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.30.0
    5dd3c91 fix(LLP): operatorToBidderSum value logic
  • v3.29.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.29.0
    02e0f71 fix(BRD,BRE): if finalValue equal saleValue return it not zero
    33d4c8b fix: round winnerBid values
  • v3.28.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.28.0
    b216f9b feat(BRD, BRE): add new variable refundToBidderSum issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/89
  • v3.27.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.27.0
    4e20eb7 fix(SPD,SPE): define administatorFee from amountWithTax issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/87
    5997c5c feat: add override logic if value not in range
    0de004e feat(CI/CD): issue templates
    22e5476 fix: rounding values in calculate method issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/88
    29b299c feat(SPD,SPE): add new variable bidderToOperatorSum and change finalValueSum calculating logic issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/87
    9a0576b return none for excepted variables issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/84
    5179ae7 fix(RLD,RLE): do not calculate the operatorToBidderSum issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/84
    10f9f2f refactor: remove unused variable disqualifiedOperatorFee issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/86
    85428bf feat: add new variables that are calculated in protocols
  • v3.26.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.26.0
    c746662 feat(BSD,BSE,SPE): calculate operatorFeeTaxAmount issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/85
  • v3.25.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.25.0
    4a40222 fix(security): update python package
  • v3.24.3 protected
    Tagged release v3.24.3
    279ca9b refactor: caltculating finalValueSum issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/81
    d50ebda fix: change saleValueSum to finalValueSum
    b144e1e fix(BSD,BSE): percentage definition from value with tax issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/82
    781739a fix(NLD,NLE): percentage_definition_from_value_with_tax issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/83
    189ff86 feat: add saleValue issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/79
  • v3.24.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.24.2
    401b7a5 fix: round off procedure.winnerBid values issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/78
    d7fc402 fix(CSD,CSE): change valueAddedTaxIncluded to true issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/76
  • v3.24.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.24.1
    62572d6 fix: change valueIn items from int to str for identifier.id issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/74
    984708f fix: change config description for customs_banks issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/73
    c226f29 fix(BRD,BRE): add tax to winnerBid amount issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1726
    89a046b fix(BRD,BRE): add tax to winnerBid amount issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1726
  • v3.24.0 protected
    4e2b1800 · fix: branch deploy ·
    Tagged release v3.24.0
    ae7faf4 fix: branch deploy
    1b4f021 feat(NLE,NLD): add billing config issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/72
  • v3.23.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.23.0
    f9dfc39 fix(config): change RLE/RLD
    67ce747 fix(config): change CLE/CLD
    a058b49 feat: add new values for minimumLivingCost issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/71
    8739b90 fix(config): change procedure rules issue: prozorro-sale/billing#69
    f04f32b fix(config): operatorFee 4000000 border issue: prozorro-sale/billing#69
    37df768 fix(config): change get procedure rules issue: prozorro-sale/billing#69
    13888dd feat(config): add basicSell for customs ukraine issue: prozorro-sale/billing#69
    c3e494c feat(config): add commercialPropertyLease issue: prozorro-sale/billing#70
  • v3.22.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.22.0
    4d0c574 fix(config): add exceptions for Ukrainian Railways issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/66
    334402f fix(config): delete exceptions for Ukrainian Railways issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/66
    955d605 feat(build): image optimisation
    e1ce63a fix(config): change proc name
    966f360 feat(config): delete old config
    8ab4936 feat(config): change calculation for Ukrainian Railways issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/66
  • v3.21.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.21.0
    2f0415d fix: change calculation for privat issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/billing/-/issues/62