Tagged release v3.33.0

34817fe7 fix(swagger generation): uncommented swagger.json tests for artifacts
0e07e64e feat(legitimatePropertyLease tests): added tests for legitimatePropertyLease english procedure
e5be8c0f refactor(validation): changed the way of validating base.LeaseRules.intendedUse and legitimatePropertyLease.valueAddedTaxIncluded fields
4440cedc fix(landProps schema): added migration for intendedUse -> landInntendedUse field
0ab6e665 fix(legal-names): Fix x-modelName for basicSell-dutch
b90e7e4f feat(legitimatePropertyLease): added base classes for english procedure
853dca39 fix(auth.yml): added new legitimatePropertyLease procedure for tokens
bd0f2dca fix(swagger tests): commented swagger tests because it is time consuming
7fc40f51 fix(legitimatePropertyLease.BankAccounts): renamed bankAccountsUkr to bankAccountsUa
424ca8d3 fix(legitimatePropertyLease): removed redundant type definitions in schemas
96f99d48 feat(base.LeaseRules): added intendedUse field validation
752ec08a fix(dictionaries): added missing dictionaries
02d04b45 feat(legitimatePropertyLease): added base schemas for legitimatePropertyLease procedures, created claim function for items mapping
30e44388 Add custom period for subsoil dutch tender period
17621a38 Add basicSell legal names
2730a544 Fix bid_active_tendering_status test
d32c627c refactor(classifier masks): changed masks validation, by adding exclusion masks
a4d95b36 fix: #889 disabled change Bit status on 'inactive' from api
902ea332 Add tests for updated periods
58165797 fix: #882 #884 update basicSell-english spec rel: #904
a8fbab67 fix: #900  changing award status to unsuccessful
d1acc516 fix: #900  changing award status to unsuccessful
9b4e183f Remove status invalid from basic sell english bid.
9f941faa Make Item location required for specific classification, basicSell eng
b5764e75 Correct use of unsuccessful dict dgf dutch
78208a16 fix: #885  setup qualificationPeriod in basicSell-english
fba4b167 Remove cancellationDetails from allowed document types for basicSell.