Tagged release v3.45.0

c769bb5c fix: make authApiBlockStrictvaalue string
fe92563e feat(TEST): change fixture ua_identifier ipn legalName issue: prozorro-sale/dictionaries_and_classifiers#54
9b9aff3a fix: add authApiBlockStrict variable to helm chart
f2b205e7 fix(LSE): add migrations for saleType field
764ede45 fix(LRE/LSP tests): removed items data from procedure fixture
b54c2773 fix(LRE/LSE item.itemProps.cadastralNumber): added validation pattern for item.itemProps.cadastralNumber field
b8594b8b fix(LSP specs): changed specs url
2c2c9038 fix(LSP priority transfer): changed logic of priority transfer for LSP
cd8cc512 feat(LSP custom proc type tests): added tests
adc747a9 feat(custom procedure types): added mixin for custom initial state procedures
258d76f5 feat(LSP): added base tests
4a5cad11 feat(LSP): added base state classes, refactored periods calculator
01f2297f fix(LL, LR, LS): moved current tenant determination to seperate mixin, added base class for validation of bank accounts with required currency
2e8386b1 feat(LSP): added schema and legal names for procedure
1e98bbb4 feat: add logic to getting question time interval from spec
cb1a0954 feat: integrate prozorro aiohttp swagger
8c15db76 Reconfigure readiness and liveness probes configuration
e3987d0f docs: update diagrams with detailed service diagrams
4e79ac99 docs: Update procedure diagrams
a625602f fix(LSE contract): removed contractTime field from model