Tagged release v3.49.0

56031384 fix(admissionreason): fixed missing allowed document type in tendering state
cdd03e1e fix(migrations): added migration task on app startup
10a47bb7 fix: add migration to fix cav dictionary
8e0213fb hotfix(migration): change migration version and spec
7d3a60fd Additional unit test
ed6bd9c5 Delete digitalSignature after updating/deleting related document
1ec9707c fix(helm charts): update notification url
4ee9c8bf fix: add migration to fix cav dictionary
8fc2f0a0 refactor(calculator): update calculator min date error messages
0764763b refactor(LSE tests): add award notifications test
19b6e5c8 fix(helm charts): update notification url
4759ae73 fix(AAE): add tenderAttempts increasing in procedure tendr resumption
dcf297fd refactor(LRE, LSE, LSP): update procedure statuses legalnamees
5d8a3863 fix(BSE/BSD): Change x_registerExtract doc type to x_tenderersRegisterExtract
d3dd459f fix(allProc): Add inactiveBidDate and dateActivated fields to response of procedure_api_client.BidsApi.get_bid()
e1f39c74 add object snapshots
f6e996a8 fix(auctionPeriod validation): added partial_data to error
a7e44482 feat(BSE, BSD, LRE, LSE, LSD): add validation to sellingEntity-address-region
76616f73 Add validation region by country.
0bc1d8dc feat(tests): update ua_identifier legalname
eb67d409 feat(LRE/LSE/LSP): added document validation for previously disqualified bidders
8ad97c4a feat(TIE, TIM): increased number of decimal places from one to two for classifications timberLength
f9e74b71 fix(helm)fix endpoints names
46cb27e0 fix(AAE): resumption doc autogeneration fixes
ba103442 fix(api): removed fallback get_auction_start_date_procedure endpoint
fb9ba2d7 feat(AAE periods): added implementation with new periods
ccfb548a feat(periods): added base states for new periods format
f32ca431 feat(AAE): add cancellation, pause, resumption doc autogeneration logic
ddc4a463 fix(BSE/BSD): Forbid publishing procedure without required document (technicalSpecifications)
4fc48b98 refactor(renewables): refactored tests and fixtures for pytests
3d36742e feat(TIE, TIM): update dictionaries with new items
854cebb8 refactor(railwayCargo): refactored tests and fixtures for pytests
3c6b91f2 refactor(subsoil): refactored tests and fixtures for pytests
7a36ace0 refactor(timber): refactored tests and fixtures for pytests
4976a5c5 fix(BSE): Add basicSell-english-initial-qualification selling method
44b6aa24 build: update SPECS_URL to use base specs
34038d94 Add new fields to AAE.
647e8945 fix(AAE): master rebase
a7623f62 feat(AAE): add custom procedures
7db925b0 feat(AAE): update bid documents
e6c2dcb1 feat(AAE): Fix after review, add integration tests
bcde30fc feat(AAE): Add unit tests, fix after review
71c76a10 feat(AAE): Fix lint
242edf12 feat(AAE): Add ability to pause and resume procedure
6e612e86 feat(AAE): add re qualification award logic
ca1ad349 feat(AAE): add ability to update procedure executorDetails field in qualification states
32913026 fix(AAE): add missing utils import for awards
ed47c34e fix(AAE): change deprecated DeletedBodsFilter to StatusBidsFilter
cc9a4012 feat(AAE): Fields validation
7a9282a4 epic AAE update spec url to epic
161e24be refactor: move AwardStateMachine to basic award
a3a11290 feat(AAE): add docs validation
15c66f5a feat(AAE): update procedure schema
c5718be7 feat(AAE): add base qualification logic
6e0ee5b5 feat(AAE): add base award logic
b99483d7 feat(tests): add base periods tests
84972467 feat(AAE): base procedure states implementation
f7dce9e2 feat(BSE/BSD): Add inactivation date to all basic sell procedures
92641dcc fix: merge 37 and 38 migration to fix conflct on older envs
2c0f818a fix(tests): added business day calculation for tests
4e11bc6d fix(BSD, BSE): Add registrationDetails structure to all basicSell procedures
17db162f fix(BSE/BSD): required addressID and locality
887bfb2c fix(BSE/BSD previousAuctionId): added pattern validation
5477f318 fix(BSE/BSD): removed contractTime from description of required fields
13919aed fix(LRE/LSE/LSP): added validation for max item.itemProps.landArea value
2f509d82 fix(BSD): bankAccounts required for BSD
cd453e88 feat(helm): change dependency services
02bdf4e7 fix(BSE/BSD contract activation): removed contractTime from required for activation
9e176542 feat(BSD): Add custom procedures
563b4bc7 fix(bid status): invalid status cannot be set via endpoint
89233a95 fix(BSD): skip challenger_bid validation
2f888ae6 fix(BSD, BSE): Forbid to patch auctionPeriod.startDate
188f9709 fix(BSE, BSD): Disqualifying award with contract status - active
0c48e2bd fix(LL bankAccounts): changed bankAccounts validation
0ced4b15 fix(BSE): Missed pending_waiting award BSE, fix challenger bid amount validation
309c806e feat:(helm) change procedure dependency on charts issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-deployment#83
c0e64b55 feat:(helm) change template issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-deployment#83
d69c189d     feat:(helm) change template     issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-deployment#83
d07f776d fix(BSD, BSE): Add valueAddedTaxCharged field to all basic sell procedures
04326e16 fix(BSD): Do not display bids with inactive status
0b987b0f Fix legalNames for intendedUse fields for LL-procedures.
fe421d92 build: update logging config for new tools lib
6c6d8007 feat: update procedure logging with procedre status changed event
d6810ca6 fix(swagger): Increase java heap space, update swagger-client-cli version to latest
13b2bc13 fix: Update can_update_until to camel case migration with logic for custom procedures
7fa5d33a fix: change Question "can_update_until" field to CamelCase
aebe8892 refactored tools.errors expects import
4ae52543 refactored aiotask_context, prozorro-tools logger
e5929ccf build: bump schematics version
89182ecc fix(transferPriorityPeriod.endDate): added condition for end date calculation based on rectificationPeriod.endDate
72104b93 feat:(test) add test on invalid token issue: prozorro-sale/procedure#1283
25503269 PRZ-800-Fix default values for mongo helm charts
da98c648 Fix legalName for basicSellItemType
340fefba fix(BSE/BSD/LSE/LRE/LSP/GFD/GFE clarifications doc): removed clarifications doc requirement for update_document, update_document_list methods
7e3fd4b9 fix(LSP): Do not display bids with inactive status
6e8a7c1e fix(LLP transferAct): removed transferAct from required if award is for current tenant
f8f88923 fix(LRE/LSE/LSP fields): updated guarantee, minimalStep, registrationFee value validation
aca82f12 fix(base schema): change phone number pattern
a9d12f8e feat(allProc): forbid auction to start on weekends
9f55804d fix(BSE): bids in status 'inactive' shouldn't be passed to proc after active_auction
9a6852ce fix pytest local launch