Tagged release v3.54.0

c9c0eeae remove epic from spec_url
5b675442 fix(BRE/BRD): add discount validation
13a149cc Revert "Merge branch 'zamirets/1447/refactoring-sorting-bids' into 'master'"
86263a08 fix(BRE/BRD): fix signingPeriod length
867dc742 fix(BRE/BRD): added bids deactivation based on changed fields
11ca1e0c fix(BRE/BRD): removed redundant registrationFee field
f7f80add feat(BRD): added unit tests
a7c6e6a1 fix(allProc): Refactor bids sorting after auction
a2ff9947 feat(BRD): added integration tests
eb499fac feat(BRD): added states implementation
de3eeee3 feat(BRD): added procedure class for BRD
e503e015 Fix fields for bankruptcy dutch
c2f472b7 fix(BRD): changed sellingMethod from english to dutch
49e9ae59 Add structure and legal_names for bankrupcy dutch.
b10fb538 fix(isPartiallyPaid): added validation for 1 time assignment
0e80c9b9 fix(BRE): change accountType from guarantee to payment
696ebfe5 fix(BRE): set minNumberOfQualifiedBids max limit
c6d3b3f4 fix(BRE): fixed paymentPeriod calculation
53418971 fix(BRE): fix pending_payment award transition
c19c373a Remove document commercialProposal for bankruptsy english.
5dea5f98 fix(BRE): remove commercialProposal document
0ea93c59 fix(BRE): fix legalNames for bankruptsy english.
dad10f82 fix(BRE): remove addressIdKATOTTG field
828a7a81 feat(BRE): implement pending payment logic
55f1ad45 fix(BRE): fix swagger generation
376edaf6 feat(BRE): fix procedure and add tests
842512d8 fix(BRE): added registrationDetails validation
6177a261 fix(difference calculation): changed the way of calculating date if spec is a list
53c1a255 feat(BRE): Added states and classes for BRE procedure
eb4976aa Fix structure and for bankruptcy
084c6e89 Fix structure and add legal names for bankruptcy
0b4411fe Fix structure and add legal names for bankruptcy
58d54db5 Add structure for bankruptcy
a3deee63 fix(Dutch procedures): added base class for procedures, added tests for autogeneration fields
c91b453b refactor(dutch procedures): added inheritance from english procedures and DutchStepMixin
bd491064 fix(allProc): fix dateModified not changed on award status update
9c7230af Fix legal names for bid documents for alienation.
fbd896cd fix(BSE/CSE/ALE): Check validness of bid during activation
aad9890f changed legal_names for cancelled award
c1650f2c refactor: defining app config settings using Environment class