Tagged release v3.55.0

bfe673ac build: update requirements
f2abfd55 refactor(BRE/BRD): moved awards periods assignment to awards states
b4b13fc8 fix(brokerPaymentPeriod): added optional calculation
3841fd58 refactoring: use url from tools for environment variables. issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1512
3ddf93a1 refactoring: remove deepcopy from tests issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1511
354e72f6 fix(CSE/CSD/BRE/BRD): Update document after rectificationPeriod is over (during enquiryPeriod)
2f0361bd fix(BRE/BRD): Fix bids sorting after auction
e72ce0e7 refactor(contracts): changed the way of contract documents check
1dd9edac fix(CSE/CSD/LRE/LSE/LSP): Extend accountIdentifications with ua_identifier classifier
56a4ef47 fix: update docker-compose mongo port mapping
aedc881e fix: Move kvtspz from dictionaries to classifiers
2f106fa4 Add possibility to choose bank ideintifier from ua_identifiers for CS and land procedures.
aabec976 fix(BRE/BRD): add additionalClassifications generation
17713b20 fix(bankAccount): added ability to modify bankAccounts before signingPeriod
5036bfb2 build: update gitlab-ci & makefile remove-compose
43d56c67 fix(sellingEntity): added sellingEntity update in non terminated statuses
2ca980e0 fix(calculator): add epoche date validation for auction start time
bc60a749 build: Bump tools and auth versions, update pipfile
95db654a fix(BRE/BRD): copy auctionProtocol from bid to award
8286a460 fix(allProc): Remove bids validation when auction send back data to procedure
71204936 refactor(compose): move compose logic to one compose file
738c9097 refactor(TIE, TMA, RCE, RCD, SUE, SUD): move discouunt validation to _validate_data
dffa96a1 fix(BRE/BRD): check clarification document only for changes that inactivate bids
9cfd8203 refactor(spec_docs): update formatting
38f23503 fix(ALE/CSE/CSD/BSE/BSD/BRE/BRD): Add possibility patching award status to active on non business days
2a1765d3 fix(BRE/BRD): remove discount required check if tenderAttempts >= 2
f0b18e06 fix(ALE): change legal names for award documents
d8818533 refactor spec vizualization periods output
a6765450 refactor spec vizualization periods output
23396b97 fix(ALE): fix discount according to tenderAttempts
1aa7781b sperate_docs
7f21f96a minor refactoring
dc8f062b split readme versions file, added diff versions readme
1101a049 minor fixes
605f34e3 fix(allProc): Fix priority and dutch sorting
a48caed5 Merge branch 'zamirets/1447/refactoring-sorting-bids' into 'master'
8df373cd added args params for command string
a7a75593 script for spec_v2 vizualization
2a58a67d specs fields description
bf590c52 fix: add missing values