Tagged release v3.58.0

b3e1cdd7 fix(custom-proc): change base class for renewables-multiawards-initial-qualification-fast
6bd8eec2 fix(SUE/SUD): Subsoil migration for required items fields
32bf35c8 fix(BRE, BRD), fix isPartiallyPaid_autofill tests
ac74177e fix(BRW): Fix legal_names BRW
382b53b5 Fix legalNames for bankruptcyWithoutAuction
b4dd2b92 fix(bankRuptcy custom procedures): fixed fields whitelist
bf5a16bb fix(CLE/CLD): Add autogenerated additionalClassifications CPVS DA04-3
c68baedb tests: fix failed bankrutspy tests
f7351b77 feat: migration for soubsoil spec_v2
30acfb7f fix(DRE, BRD): add award periods recalculation on active awarded
fb93bb74 feat(SUE/SUD/LLE/LLD/LLP): Add disqualified bids logic
1f6bc0fc build: update swagger-build makefile command
0a2dc7b4 tests: fix failed renewables tests
7ed95cb4 perf: change swagger.json generation
992bd9cf perf: remove allof in custom specs
ea6c8e41 fix: add missed title in schemas
80b5d18c refactor: change title to lowercase letter
f8e683e9 refactor: add classifiers, dictionaries, mappings from fixtures/cache/ to gitignore
c953640c fix: wrong swagger tag - prologation and actvie_qualification
4e48e0f4 test: fix specs tests and change makefile to skip swagger tests
a43d0e28 build: add pre-build stage to ci pipeline
47fbebc7 feat: temporary disable document delete on CLI
18e4038f refactor: update subsoil migration
7933936e build: add migration for subsoil
f609615b refactor: del minNumberOfQualifiedBids from procedure whitelist
abd393df fix: add minNumberOfQualifiedBids validation
78a469d1 build: update helm env vars with procedureApps and procedureCustomSpecs
4b2c11e4 fix: remove test migrations from basicSell and dgf
2e57f496 fix(RLE/RLD): Forbid patching bid to active status without required documents
3f56af10 fix(SUE/SUD): Add validation for items schema fields
bb5b6569 fix(RLE/RLD/CLE/CLD): Update tests for discount field
895e1a0b Turn on integration tests
c70d787c fix(SUE/SUD): Forbid patching award to active status without required document auсtionProtocol
18e01c26 refactor: validation tests
f6b7187c fix: add validation for minNumberOfQualifiedBids field
04163a84 fix(SUD): Fix timer tick for specs SUD procedure
1d1b8da3 fix(db history): add json.loads to archivist response
18533bbf fix(CSE/CSD): Fix commercialSell classification (remove masks)
a238fac7 Fix commercialSell classification.
69b96b0e feat: script for changing owner of procedure or bid
e94ae959 fix(RLE/RLD/CLE/CLD): Add itemProps validation for CVZU classificator
9dfbafe7 fix: tenderPeriod.startDate starts according with the technical documentation
e998f7d6 fix(RLE/RLD/CLE/CLD): Add additional classificator CVZU
ca9b7c0c fix: periods time to not strict
e756b4e0 fix(integration tests): temporarily disabled
3c4c0106 feat(CLE/CLD): Add commercialPropertyLease procedure
e469b452 feat: update spec subsoil to v2
55690a60 fix(RLE): add freeze_time for RLE
9cebcc3d feat(RLE/RLD): Add FOR-IBAN identifier
ae7504dc fix(RLE/RLD): Change item fields characteristic unit, quantity to required
ea7763a0 fix(RLE/RLD): Add classificators with optional address
244517b5 fix(RLE/RLD): Add required bid docs
a872c7bb fix: repair failed tests
39a783ba fix: fix swagger generation script
5cee9c30 fix(BRE integration tests): added freeze time
50b1d900 fix(RLE/RLD items): remove addressIdKATOTTG
661a7c7f feat(RLE/RLD): refactor and add integration tests
62ef8d8d feat(RLD): RLD implementation
7e391784 Add structure and legal_names for regulations property lease.
bfec16cf fix(tests): fix integration tests
5ad0e728 fix(RLE): add mixins for bids documents
c3c5dfb2 fix(BRW): move BRW spec
95399e44 fix: fix after conflict errors
06730658 fix(RLE): add discount validation
fd8c41bb fix(RLE): add procedure field check when deactivating bid
440efe61 feat(RLE): Add classifiers, refactor package structure
7c200165 Fix legal_names for regulationsPropertyLease-english
cdecc942 Add legal_names for regulationsPropertyLease.
0fb995bc feat(RLE): Add unit tests
35f96206 feat(RLE): Add regulationsPropertyLease procedure
081af3e1 Fix structure for regulationsPropertyLease-english.
220e2590 Remove initialValueAmount from regulations property lease dutch.
d8c2ae9a Update regulationsPropertyLease.yml
32db02bf Add dictionary for regulations property lease item types.
11310395 1. Added dictionary and description for accountType field 2. Added descriptions 3. Changed CLE on RLE in previousAuctionId example dutch procedure
10b22a55 Update descriptions
3e4d2a25 Fix legalNames. According to https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1052.
f9364b6c Fix bank accounts type title.
47774b72 Fix bank accounts model for regulations property lease.
514252c2 Add structure for regulations property lease dutch.
c26cbba5 Fix classificators.
3ab60534 Remove readonly from access details for regulations property lease.
c1479de1 Fix structure based on template for regulations property lease.
901610b6 Add structure for regulations property lease.
725c060e fix: add schemas yaml to package_data
d4cc6fab feat: Add models autodicover. Create apps module with apps registering
15413544 feat: add app class with specs autodiscover method