Tagged release v3.47.0

890e0c8 fix(LSE,LSP,LRE): change bank accounts type
d259bd9 fix(RLD,RLE): display operatorToBidderSum if it 0
0856e38 fix(NLD,NLE): display if amount None
d7b4b6c feat: set Box arg default_box_none_transform to False
4438513 fix(RLE,SPE): SPE remove only_positive, RLE remove if condition
6facf75 feat(CI/CD): issue templates
1e7f0d3 refactor: remove only_positive, only_less_sale_sum args from standardize_amount
f0b4304 fix: add if condition to check procedure bids it is not empty
eb29558 fix(SPD,SPE): delete symbol '>'
f346282 fix: return 0,00
edb96a1 fix: display zero if amount is negative
c7d50d7 fix(SPD,SPE): change text in fields
1dd84aa fix(SPE,SPD): display blank line for manual bank account filling
83ba909 feat: display bidderToOperatorSum
b8eb2e2 fix(BRD,BRE): change text in fields
3b8c482 fix(RLD,RLE): add if else conditions
b3f40fc change standardize_amount behavior
95bed6c feat: add method __bool__ for DefaultBox
d772472 fix(SSW): no billing
464894c fix(RLD,RLE): do not display field
da27d39 fix(RLD,RLE): do not display field
1a0186e fix: add if else conditions
36eb65c feat: additional behavior for the standardize_amount
9cad220 fix(LLD,LLE,LLP): change field display logic
ecdde73 fix: display bankAccount by accountType
c845dee refactor(SPE): add bank_accounts_block_blank templite
e3826e9 feat: add accountHolder display
b5aad3b fix(SPE): change text fields
24cd96a fix(SPE): change text fields
391672b fix(ALE,BSE,CSE,SUE,TIE,RLE,NLE): display bank accounts
ed947bf fix(BS/NL): added winner/winner owner/selling entity display in signature block