Tagged release v3.1.2

7414a3d fix(requirements): updated requirements
eecabe2 Merge branch 'master' into kpn/100/error_500_contract_creation
2b374fe fix: #100 checking response message in test
bbda3f4 fix: #100 error on contract creation
9a0820b refactor(tests): created separate classes for testing different collections, moved existing tests
62661a1 refactor(tests): added new fixtures for tests
579739d refactor(test dicts): removed redundant dicts, moved dictionaries to separate folder
969f101 Fix swagger client generation
153fcdb feat(AddressUa): added AddressUa schema
30cf84d Update api-deploymet.yaml
235263d refactor(ClassifierIdStringType): changed the way of checking masks by adding exclusion
d1ad20f Added BaseItemProps class for landProps schema
9797a8e Fix landProps model.
700d4f7 Add landProps model.
46ab297 Fix descriptions for base models. Add field landProps to JointPropertyComplexProps.