Tagged release v3.16.0

b72eea4 fix(document): fix document update with new field
2b8209c Up auth version
485de95 feat(importer): add intendedUse validation and skipp logic
9865b46 feat(importer): add intendedUseRestrictionMethod mapping fields for 3.1
771dc27 feat(importer): add retry on registry creation if duplicate key error
a294181 feat(importer): add object validation by strikethrough value, owner name validation by owner field
862825e fix(migration application): fixed version assignment for objects
26fd71e hotfix(helm): migration job turn off issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-registry#153
3ec6257 fix(compose): changed urls for services
2c08ccc hotfix(helm): migration job turn off issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-registry#153
37a318a fix(migration application): fixed version assignment for objects
aeddede fix(migration): added async application of migrations
264cdc9 fix(migrations): added migration task on app startup
539c6c2 feat(importer): add address email field to .csv files
e36160d fix(importer): make object status default for tables 1.0, 3.1