Tagged release v3.37.0

e9171f6 fix(RAL/RAS): added redemption to relatedEntities
744c469 feat(JRL): added large_redemption
eaed3df fix: added permissions to auth.yml
16c75fd fix(REL): Execution_large_add_status_pending_like_in_the_Exe_small
2df6a13 feat(asset): upload_cancellation set deleted status
7f55059 fix(test): add large_asset permission
22a225b fix(requirements): updated requirements
ba3dd92 fix(RES/REL): removed competion from whitelist in pending status
181a122 feat(swagger): restructuration
cadf785 feat(asset): not required reason and date_published
4dcc517 fix(RES/REL): contract.status = active on create_execution
abd30e7 Update src/prozorro_sale/registry/models/schema/execution.yml
c224d7b Epic/large privatization
1b70d80 fix(execution.contracts): allowed contacts update only on execution.status=active
5a4eafc fix(execution contracts): added update execution contract methods
b18da8f fix(RAL/RAS): added decisions to whitelist
8ae1295 fix(execution): додати для contract статус pending, перейменовати статуси contract
f6d48f3 feat(RES/REL): оновлення до контрактингу відповідно до CR.yml
5ed19c7 fix(execution): added procedure to relatedEntities