Tagged release v3.38.0

d63a31d refactor(RES/REL): changed required docs msg format for order and completion
41e0a8d fix(RES,REL): digitalSignature doc to the contracts
8ff64da fix(RES/REL): added separate methods for updating order and completion
644e8eb refactor(RES/REL/RAS/RAL): changed cancellations validations + datePublished auto set
6c6a283 (RAS, RAL): legal_names changed
5fea2b3 (RES, REL): legal_names_update
073b67c fix: missing letter in operationId
51f806f feat(RES/REL): added tests for nested docs
5aa8f7e feat(RES/REL): added endpoints to work with contract/order/completion docs
224cb3d refactor(RES/REL/RAS/RAL): created separate handlers + moved swagger
70dcb22 Execution docs