Tagged release v3.7.0

641a0c9 fix(search): added execution to search
2b37d90 fix(JAL watcher): enabled watcher for JAL
8c8fc9a Update src/prozorro_sale/jobber/models/legal_names.py
7fff8b5 Update src/prozorro_sale/jobber/models/legal_names.py
3613818 feat(large_redemption): added tests
427e292 feat(JRL): added classes for large_redemption
696627b fix(redemption): added missing get_asset_snapshot parameter
d430df9 refactor(JAS/JAL): created base announcement schema
d7d8f4b Update src/prozorro_sale/jobber/models/legal_names.py
84bf1d4 refactor: changed announcement.handlers to use _common functions
d75568d fix: fixed missing data parameter in add asset/procedure related entities
2424934 fix(JAS/JAL): fixed procedure mappings
2f5d854 fix(requirements): updated requirements
bbf8215 fix(JAS/JAL): separated databridge conversion
0621ed0 Update src/prozorro_sale/jobber/models/schema/base.yml
1748990 fix(JAS/JAL): fixed tests, added dynamic auctionPeriod
eacc84d feat(JAL): added swagger
c315604 feat(JAL): added tests
e5978d9 feat(JAL): added large announcement
17210cf fix(execution.relatedEntities): added execution to procedure.relatedEntities
0a2958e fix(execution.relatedEntities): added procedure to relatedEntities
0ba1999 refactor(constants): used constants instead of str