Tagged release v3.8.1

4cc20a2 fix: updated requirements
6860265 fix(JRS/JRL/JAS/JAL): fixed doc history endpoints intersection + 404 error msg
8213960 fix(JRS/JRL): added required docs validation
d966963 fix(JRS/JRL): removed pipeline validation for redemption on update_object_documents_list
5b44aad fix(JRS/JRL): made contract.dateSigned required
771d4a7 fix(JAS): fixed procedures validation before scenarios execution
764b646 fix(JAS): fixed mappings for 2,3,4 procedures not to copy bankAccounts from initialProps
5254b7c fix: update jas 0005 migration with bank accountHolder missed field
3839ad6 fix(JRS/JRL): fixed relatedEntities structure