Tagged release v3.9.0

75145f7 fix(JRS/JRL): fixed redemption.contract.doc hystory endpoints
dbdbb1f fix(JRS/JRL): added contract.docs history endpoints
41fcb84 fix: change status updating on cancellation
34a32c4 fix(JAS/JAL): made digitalSignature.relatedDocument check by doc.id and doc._ds_id
c9b0bd5 fix(JRS/JRL): made contract.dateSigned required
df86a23 fix(JAS): fixed procedures validation before scenarios execution
3897168 fix(JAS): fixed mappings for 2,3,4 procedures not to copy bankAccounts from initialProps
1d03f9f fix: update jas 0005 migration with bank accountHolder missed field
b2b73b7 fix(dutchStep): removed redundant fields
1f6a0f2 Update src/prozorro_sale/jobber/models/legal_names.py
85262d3 fix(JRS/JRL/JAS/JAL): fixed doc history endpoints intersection + 404 error msg
de4b241 fix(JRS/JRL): added update_redemption_status for databridge
65ed2a4 fix(JRS/JRL): added required docs validation
4462a4f fix(JRS/JRL): added required docs validation
b8b50bf fix(JRS/JRL): removed pipeline validation for redemption on update_object_documents_list
94b3bfc fix(JRS/JRL): fixed relatedEntities structure
a027e8c fix(address): fixed 500 address claim func
3a48ff4 fix: updated requirements