Tagged release v1.13.0

ede401a8 change:[#559] brokers width for detail page
2bdf98d1 fix: box shadow blocks
7f28238e fix: cursor hover input search
ae4eb3bf fix:[#579] popular-categories-tabs-with-out-js
7b8d1e0e fix(search): add sorting to swiper images for photoswipe for correct pagination
28d6099d fix:[#579] popular categories tabs with out js
655bdd12 fix:[#579]categoris tabs with out js
bc698ac8 fix:[#593] color title elements tables
7f9f0d57 fix:[#233] statistic block new design + mobile
cc59c5c4 feat:[#609] description auctions bottom indent
9a48bbde feat: change deploy process issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#589
e9a4141f Revert "Merge branch 'brekhunov/579/popular-categories-tabs-with-out-js' into 'master'"
bcede001 feat(search): add documents template tag
f177cabd fix:[#579] categoris tabs with out js
77680982 fix: brokers card fields margins
c7ec3a70 feat: up helm lib issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-helm-template-chart#2
9df2c560 fix(documents): change documents list cursor to pointer
21833267 fix: check unresolved actions
9d8bbd77 fix: resolve error if classifier in query has empty string
37c9fd97 fix(search): rewrite documents hystory class name
82f7e2ea feat: add clear not matched objects issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#482
7a9a1ff6 feat(search): add autocomplete field for search, sidebar filters form
f93775f8 fix: position card, margin telephon elem
2836d6f8 fix: update broker billing info models with correct field type
f7a4962a update external link logic
5bab71c5 fix: brokers page, manager image
322f2821 fix(search): add toString for document preview documentTitle var
7c523e2d Revert "Merge branch '567/slava/add_fields_autocomplete_to_filters_admin' into 'master'"
95646aa1 fix: add param to set button name in illustration_gallery teplate tag issue: #543
cf80397f fix:[#582]popular objeet tabs with out js
186eefa3 feat(search): add field autocomplete to sidebar filters and search filters inline
965c6fa9 feat: add brokers empty title and description. Add new migrations with initial values
489e2b66 fix:[#583] documents tabs active first with out js
aebace63 fix:[#580] active first tab default
aef813bb fix:[#554] cursor link for details documents
6d8099ec feat:[#487] tooltip
96ab7380 optimisation(JS): long js task effected render
9a0a742e fix:[#568] collapse last auction
91e58d7f fix: tabs font weight
5639faf4 fix:[#474] delete border iframe
730f75c7 fix: filter out empty values in autocomplete widget
0967d541 fix:[#560, #547] block questions
6c3e3a36 feat:[#555] brokers not founds block markup
d06718da fix(JS): Optimisation
dd0a36fd fix(JS): Optimisation
1a83cc15 fix: [#461] add font e-Ukraine-Medium for brokers