Tagged release v1.14.0

05873865 fix(SEO): "\t" - Invalid escape sequence in JSON string
61e85d07 fix(SEO): Invalid escape sequence in JSON string
7fef08ed feat(search): add documents legal names feching
d4b9ceb0 fix:[#634] banner width mobile, tablet. header margin bottom
4f4ca116 fix:[#629] hr tag color
31a25417 fix: update background colors to white
dfb5a248 fix: color support blocks, background auction card
7c0d5464 fix: body background + color categoies item and brokers
8e946524 fix:[#621] btn text for form search
4f892ec3 fix: resolve bottomRightBlock.children null error
4b370fb3 fix:[#622] msrgin form search field and button
4c86016a change:[#619] footer fonts new, redesign
4fe60a73 feat(brokers): desable broker if it not in list of enabled brokers for django task
c25f5d6c fix: close description procedure, when open new description.
7e5eb975 feat: improve fetch_related_entities template tag