Tagged release v1.16.0

3326fa71 fix: change uploaded file max size issue: #681
09b45792 fix(support): rewrite support links for plugin templates
a65839d4 fix: resolve index error on incorrect search autocomplete
97a9e262 fix: add escape to prevent xss attack in autocomplete suggest; add maxLengthInput config to prevent overselection problem
e72c8f31 fix: menu and hide_untranslated=False issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#668 issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#667
9848fa6f fix: static placeholder cache issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#668 issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#667
32c2d002 fix(brokers): set contact point description field as non required
a3eb58cf fix: redeploy not terminated job
681861b3 style(statistic): remove auto marging left for statistic plugin title
fade9aa9 fix: add log for fail modify query params issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#668 issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#667
fcc0244a fix: redirect and lang issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#668 issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#667
1796b2fe fix: update logic of get_classifiers_chosen_values to be able to filter DM classifiers correctly
cc183a03 fix(plugins): remove text-align style attr for statistic group plugin title
12f6cb08 fix:[#657] price PDV position mobile
fba25a91 feat:[#648] bullet list for wyiwyg
4b964e0b fix: nginx access_log format
26dcf87b fix: resolve broker migrations history to apply fix
e9e944f9 feat: ignore bot on A/B test
30b9fa26 fix:[#605] add plugin pastefromgdocs and update version
bdd592bd fix(brokers): make nonrequired billing info fields
cb30f3bf fix(log): real ip on log
93279087 feat: add a/b classic test issue: rozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#638
bfa5a873 feat(doc): Portal domain/namespace separated issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-deployment#202
75c5bf37 feat: change suggest to be able to search with custom text