Tagged release v1.20.0

dbe24bef fix: change div to section
8d07590a feat:[#714] styles alternative logo plugin timeline
49b4dea9 fix: add section container wrapper to cardGrid plugin
50442d42 fix:[#713] card grid styles
474f9629 refactor(brokers): add title proprty and extra_meta
90f5d13e refactor(gtm): update breadcrumb tag logic for not visible pages
59fed6df feat(plugins): add breadcrumbs plugin
a37617b3 fix: update CardGrid template
ce0de638 fix(plugins): fix card_grid migrations
9e2225a1 fix(plugins): fix card_grid migrations
eb15fa06 fix:[#714] title margin bottom timline plugin
4896a02f fix(plugins): make title field required for portal text overlay
5dca99a7 fix:[#756] android focus tooltip
dad2a3c7 feat(#716): Add CardGrid plugin
b475937d fix(plugins): fix card grid carousel
9b8e0a47 fix(brokers): rename grid slader buttons next previous
7ecca2f0 fix: illustration_gallery, show always 3 slides in tablet and desktop.
26c1f5e3 fix:[#712] text-overlay plugin bugs
42880659 fix:[#717] image size block brokers-prozorro
bf16205c fix:[#714] title style
3afc33ec fix: add right sorting for cdb_entities, add needed migrations
e719f1d9 fix:[#703] fix btns swiper for android
1cf5d9dd fix:[#718] mobile column list
59c2c94c fix:[#719] gallery card mobile paddings
dce81e49 fix:[#741] image path
1d304209 fix: render bullets pagination in grid carousel
a754b207 fix:[#742] color bredcrumbs, size image, path to images
13d7b8c4 fix:[#703]images arrow for swiper mobile dont visible
33b577e4 fix:[#718] statistics title breack and hidden title if none title
cfee7cae fix:[#728] statistics world break number
be01245a fix:[#742] add styles
3de64e7c feat:[#742]employee page markup
c81a8a79 feat:[#741] team page markup
13b91bab fix(plugins): add fixes to gallery plugin
17ac0ad4 feat: add indexing for ordering fields
f760d1fb feat: add custom manager for cdbentities
18e28322 migrations
20e5f44d feat: autofill broker name value from legal name issue: #689
1d3b013e feat: hide cdb_entities issue: 686
32e7da32 feat: add the ability to set the order of cdb_entities issue: #685
63192a41 migrations