Tagged release v1.23.0

3ff0502c fix: X-Request-ID filtered in logs
5654931e fix: X-Request-ID in django logs
9a53887f fix: sitemap generation
2b42b018 fix: display none for svg
89bf9f1a fix: redis concurrency in iteration.
201e0e40 fix:[#749] swiper row plugin swiper-wrapper margin
8b48390d fix:[#796]title weight card grid
ba454b43 fix:[#724] text collapse arrow (auction block)
2559e33e fix:[#820] photo gallery arrows visible
56f7ad83 fix(brokers): add delay to apply broker_statistic_data_updateting to exclude tasks race condition
47db7b8e fix:[#749] video block in slider row
347c0dc0 fix(brokers): rewrite related brokers template
b6591fff feat:[#755] accordion style plugin
7a85924e fix:[#796] styles for title grid card
a5cf6167 fix:[#740] marker list for ios mobile
2f2dc04f fix(jsonforms): turn off select2 due to malfunction
f13b2018 change:[#797] card grid block width
239bc691 feat(brokers): add logic to clean brokers statistic
8d880c8b feat(brokers): add statistics
586bb206 fix: flake8
4f4919e3 fix: flake8
3a9df821 feat: add svg icons demo page
f2520f5d fix: set enabled to false by default for cdb entity issue: #802
14af3419 fix(jsonform): move widget js from vendor up to js
6624cbcb fix: broker name in template tag
f638728e fix: broker name in template tag
9a62824c fix:[#743] markup style fix