Tagged release v1.25.0

7ceb9f30 fix: absolute document url issue: #763
4ff1dbb4 fix: migration test issue: #763
6141c6da feat: add collapse documents issue: #763
79f0d1af fix(partners): fix data attribute for documentsShowMore script
22640561 feat: update documents plugin issue: #763
2a90a6d0 feat: add documents plugin issue: #763
3e52b6e6 fix:[#848] team image centered horizontal
c17b9dca fix:[#844] list statistics margin
39b50792 fix:[#829]  partners block paddings
5a2c3e19 fix:[#850] the link in the card is added using wisiwig
fa13994e fix:[#829] fix logic partners
7ac7049c fix:[#697] active, focus tabs not hover
3b4bd839 fix:[#841] carousel row plugin height
929b6332 fix(partners): hide 'show more button' if there are less than 6 partners
45f7befa feat(partners): setup partners app and plugin
fba8f149 fix: set the correct destination path for the copied files
c9197938 fix: add clean request cache before start index job. issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#846
085df849 fix: add clean request cache before start index job. issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#846
6c8cc764 feat:[#829] markup page partners