Tagged release v1.29.0

8edb55ed fix(gallery): change image inline layout #894
1988550c fix(gallery): fix slider config and adding plugin to container
796f3cb1 change:[#911,#913] blocks for pages auctions
ccef1958 fix(gallery): fix default ordering
30bda0a3 feat:[#928] search empty
704a9124 feat:[#950] for plugin gallery style types
e0cb4587 fix:[#789] timline with logo works like numbers
436f5316 refactoring(brokers): rewrite translation misspelling
edd87669 fix(plugin transfer): fix test
91aeb7ca fix(plugin transfer): fix linter
4031ba50 fix(plugin transfer): add importing and exporting of related objects for plugin #930
ef928d0e fix:[#808] add script for popular obj