Tagged release v1.3.0

5b229fd feat(deploy): Change release image version on v1-3-0
3e71323 build: update resource limits and requests
6d15367 feat: change retry logic issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
fffd229 fix: add 429 status code to retry class to avoid task fail
328ce11 feat: add retries for cdb request issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
fd6310b feat: add elastic explain query issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
116d571 fix: convert initial date_modified in AbstarctCdbLoader to str
245bff8 fix: change celery task log issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
4d67231 fix: change celery task retries logic issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
7ed906e fix: resolve 500 error on get index count
04181f5 fix: update default document index
13659ef fix(plugins): rewrite link_button href
51d0f80 feat: add confirm form for reindex action
bb9f81c fix: celery task change issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
e483940 feat: add region formatter and default image into thumbnail template tag
6ddec47 feat: update admin visual; add more list fields; sort field in filters config form
07b1b48 fix(about): remove not working links from js rendering
a1d9971 build: rename celery-purge job
1761109 fix: celery purge issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
2f17331 fix: celery task log issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
3ea8f7d feat: change index schedule time issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#372
0dc84ee fix(about): change logo link to /
6d0c21d feat: change celery logic issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#360
138c039 fix(search): disable mobile flapickr
928deb3 feat(filer): add permission to create folders for nonsuperuser users
e91a309 feat(search): add similar auctions plugin
5bdd4f4 feat(search): add registry brokers permissions
2a65f2e add:[#353] similar lots templite
4653f26 feat(about): add favicon
15cec7a Update src/marketplace_portal/search/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
b9a15c2 feat:[#329] text card plugin
2c0f0da add:[295]class for margint top with fixed header
5f60e54 feat: add link list filter with link list widget
8b646ab fix(blog): remove spaceless tag from html pages
52a5e19 fix: base templint link map
6f7ce9c add: field font-weight change wysivyg
660ab02 fix: function load before image logo
8f86df3 Revert "Merge branch 'brekhunov/329/card-in-row' into 'master'"
7b2a622 fix(search): move range field widget placeholder to attrs
63ef856 feat(search): add prewiew document logic to detail_item template
9bbab59 feat(portal) add missed translations
4040670 fix: map pointer image for detail page
7786fa6 fix:[#329] card in row
0baecfb fix((search): rewrite placeholders names to correct in DateRangeWidget
fe8353b fix: remove disable from choose button classifiers.
b5b85c2 update init_search with human_index for search.searchdirections
fca71e3 feat(search): add default sorting using app sorts
3981a8c Update src/marketplace_portal/search/templates/search/widgets/classifiers_picker.html
6a148ee change:[#330] change backgtound detail card
64a4697 fix: vintage logo position
a935108 fix(helm): add missed coma for dev cdb3_auth_urls value
9c59673 build: update gitlab ci push-tagged-image job regexp