Tagged release v1.8.2

9d9ce5b7 feat(deploy): Change release image version on v1-8-2
af195064 feat(portal): add no_cache to redirecs for admin
be15365c fix: generate https link in header issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
181a8ba0 fix: redis FLUSHDB issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
a8887236 fix: nginx expires on media and static issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
b23f2e5f fix: nginx cache issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
bcba41cb feat: change auction search cache issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
e84e651c feat: change cookies filter issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
6384135d feat: copy cookies in ORIGIN_COOKIES before filtering issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
bfdbd024 fix: canonical issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
70df8b32 fix: cache
887465e7 fix(portal): add is_authenticated attr to FakeUser class