Tagged release v1.9.0

58df299d feat(deploy): Change release image version on v1-9-0
d3be6559 fix: collapse
8f5c1fb0 fix:[#490] photo gallery
693d6831 feat(blog): add image validator for post text field
ebd2d340 feat(jsonform): add custom jsonform
89acba02 fix: aria-label issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
e3cb8567 fix: [#480] news-card sticky
fddb28b9 fix: if pagination collapse init
d727f64c fix(search): change contxt name breadcrumbs to search_breadcrumbs
82107def fix: broken data issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#477
405e3b25 feat(ckeditor): add image size validator
77ca2499 fix: generate https link in header issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
088cab10 feat: add fetch_related_entities template tag to retrieve additional information of obj related entities
15e1bd66 fix: redis FLUSHDB issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
7ccd1785 fix: nginx expires on media and static issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
5816df93 fix: nginx cache issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
3ded1226 feat:[#470,#480] add history of changes block, fix tabs for detail pages
94b0a2ea feat: change auction search cache issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
49ecfa97 feat: change cookies filter issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
ebc11cb5 feat: copy cookies in ORIGIN_COOKIES before filtering issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
7c81e1e9 fix: canonical issue: prozorro-sale/marketplace-portal#475
e7a3b7a4 fix: cache
cc628a8f fix:[#356] text collapse auction card
b3606e96 fix:[#442] swiper 2-3 element
cc4d47e7 fix(portal): add is_authenticated attr to FakeUser class
eb1aa26a feat(plugins): add file size validation for djangocms_picture plugin
58a187bb feat(portal): add no_cache to redirecs for admin