Tagged release v3.18.0

7a247a2 fix(client requests): made 16mb as max client request size
24bb22a fix: added INITIAL_SYNC env variable for mongo client + updated example configs
4019b84 fix: added default auth values parse from env variables in they were not provided in config file
024ccfb fix: added web protocol variable for elasticsearch client
634cb60 fix: updated README.md
5d6dcba fix: fixed tests for get_ids_since_timestamp  method
ad2ae63 fix: returned elasticsearch index name conversion
d1b413c refactor: updated readme files, updated logging messages
2cd9aa6 refactor: changed memory mirror client to work with multiple data destinations from 1 mirror connection
1519bfd refactor: changed postgres mirror client to work with multiple data destinations from 1 mirror connection
277d704 refactor: changed mariadb/mysql mirror client to work with multiple data destinations from 1 mirror connection
5634d86 refactor: changed mongodb mirror client to work with multiple data destinations from 1 mirror connection
77e78c5 refactor: changed elasticsearch mirror client to work with multiple data destinations from 1 mirror connection