Tagged release v3.0.2

3fa7c4c Update readme
ad37f61 Add ws tests for validation, update old tests with new input data format
2ca1091 Add tests for vaidation input data
4c6f139 Send via ws error message if vallidation is not passed
7139855 Add validation
29fcec5 Change swagger description
e204e1d Change input data format
565db52 Add mongo replica to test compouse
69fca23 Add test for notifications feed
7f0af4e Add errors handler
12fe3fa Add swagger doc for endpoints
e5dda16 Add swagger to requirements
98ce1c6 Fix env values in helm chart
8378a1e Add deploy stage for master and tags branch
278f6b3 Prune volumes in cleanup stage
3ede76c Pass db env variables to helm
c32f236 Create database and collection with helm hook
a45ca22 Add database variables to values
355b443 Correct replica count value for api
a4b8554 Add coverage report #4