Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.37.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.37.0
    fcc7e8b0 feat(LLP,LLE,LLD): #1047 add validation and tests on Schedule
    8a32c566 fix(TIE, TIM): add items auto adding to awards and contracts
    42f72bc0 feat: Add test for incorrect cancellation reason key
    d03a5f88 fix(contract patch): added documents field to exclude for patch contracts endpoint. BREAKING CHANGES: documents field is forbidden for patch contract by id endpoint
    fba592f1 fix(bankAccount): changed validaton for bankAccounts
    ab64cf55 feat: provide description for legitimatePropertyLease cancellation
    cb14b345 feat: add non active procedure validation for procedures with registry obj
    14bb6db1 fix(LLE LLP minNumberOfQualifiedBids): blacklisted minNumberOfQualifiedBids field. BREAKING CHANGE: minNumberOfQualifiedBids field for LLE/LLP is now readonly and by default is 1
    d1ed5e54 feat(LLE, LLP): Make min number of qualified bids 1 for LLE, LLP.
    0a0f7d0c fix: add holiday to local config
    0b159256 fix(LLD): add creation of panding_waiting awards
    a9c6753f feat: Add migrations
    53565af5 fix(LLD, LLP): update value type for guarantee, registrationFee, currentTenantGuaranteeFee
    4fba2fcf fix(LLE, LLD, LLP legal names): correct legal names endpoints
    76a4a597 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): blacklist listType field
    db353312 fix(LLE,LLD,LLP): legal names for procedure's complete status in LLE, LLD, LLP.
    ec3576a2 fix(AccountIdentification): added validation for AccountIdentification empty id
    8c531179 fix(LLE): fix min auctionPeriod startDate calculation
    f9c31e04 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): add correct classificator to joinPropertyComplex itemType
    01f0d9d4 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): add migrations for additionalClassifications from wrong data to autofill data
    8b81ad6a fix(LLE LLD LLP): add migrations to additionalClassification field for awards, contracts, bids
    a64996c6 fix: legal name contract proforma for legitimate property lease.
    8cf71c7b fix(registryObjectId fetch): changed the way of getting registry data from databridge
    83a0e657 refactoring(swagger): Add script to prebuild swagger file. Update ci with swagger prebuild step
    e80f056c feat(LL bankAccounts): added tests for bank accounts validation
    0fd5e011 feat(LL bankAccounts): added validation for bank accounts
    6fd8fb20 feat: Rework bankAccounts structure for legitimate property lease.
    773cf6e6 feat: #1038 change makefile
    a97e00ec fix: legal names for legitimate property lease.
  • v3.36.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.36.1
    b978adf5 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): add migrations for additionalClassifications from wrong data to autofill data
    c09b4b0c fix(LLE LLD LLP): add migrations to additionalClassification field for awards, contracts, bids
  • v3.36.0 protected
    4245c18e · Merge branch... ·
    Tagged release v3.36.0
    ddf78613 refactor(LLE LLD LLP): rename additionalClassification to additionalClassifications
    232631b4 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): add contract cancellation when active award unsuccessful
    4ab65f57 feat: #1038 add --skip-existing on twine upload
    6e6630a2 fix(LLD): add tender period for dgf dutch initial auction
    cadde443 feat: #1038 add build python post version in master branch
    fb383393 feat(databridge): added endpoint for getting procedure objects in databridge
    ad30c42c feat(Legitimate Property Lease): move registryId validation to mixin
    8f7c45ec feat(LLD): add custom procedure types
    3b46cf5a feat(ll bid required documents): added validation for required documents of bid for tendering period
    122863f7 fix(cyrillic x): renamed words with cyrillic x
    e2e45460 refactor(schema): remove read_only from accessDetails for all procedures
    09faa3d1 refactor(logs): change migration log errors on warnings
    9f2f59e6 fix(LLE, LLD): add ability to cancel procedure during active auction
    df6f94d3 fix(Legitimate Propery Lease):Add additionalClassification autogeneration
    1ead5a57 fix: update schematics to 3.2.9 to fix fields not removing on import_data
    f891335e fix(custom qualification-prod specs): set periods end_date and start_date to null
    53de5930 Add readonly for award's value for legitimate property lease.
  • v3.34.3 protected
    13a68b45 · build: Tweak specs ·
    Tagged release v3.34.3
    12fb2670 fix: update schematics to 3.2.9 to fix fields not removing on import_data
  • v3.35.2 protected
    438313a4 · build: Tweak specs url ·
    Tagged release v3.35.2
    c85a7a35 fix: update schematics to 3.2.9 to fix fields not removing on import_data
  • v3.35.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.35.1
    9e6d3dde fix(llp custom procedures): added current tenant determination
    54577c67 Add clarification document checks for post item [DFG]
    20ea6ca2 refactor(LLE): change error log to warning if registry obj not found
    db22f1dd refactor(value without tax): renamed schema
    bd554dc9 feat: add legal names for legitimatePropertyLease-english and tests for update_legal_name_dict rel: #922
    779409a0 feat(llp custom procedure): added classes and tests for llp custom procedures
    a571fca7 feat(llp tests): added tests for llp procedure
    081303d3 refactor(ll tests): added base pytest classes for LL procedures
    cfde9266 feat(llp procedure): added base classes for LLP procedure
  • v3.35.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.35.0
    1ab3e4c6 Add check for clarifications document on dgf procedure update
    1ec37dc2 fix(legitimatePropertyLease documents): add x_itemPlan validation
    105b784b feat(LLP): add registryId field
    25d1d361 fix(Legitimate Property Lease): Add required contract activation docs validation
    439d37d2 refactor(LLE test): fixed tests, added items operation tests, added fixture generation for different item types
    f122701f fix(Legitimate Property Lease):correct min auctionPeriod startDate calculation
    841bbf7c refactor(LL poly model item): changed poly model generation for LL procedures to use dict instead of list
    ded4f6fd fix(states): fixed states blacklisting
    e20d30aa fix(Legitimate Property Lease Dutch):Fix auction date start time
    468a428a fix: #910 contract docs cannot be uploaded/updated (POST, PATCH, PUT) when contract status is already 'active' in all procedure
    b95bd906 fix: Fix api/specs/ json datetime object serialization
    8a7fea62 Fixed legitimatePropertyLease.yml schemas. Added claim function for legitimatePropertyLease procedure
    22ab5aa8 fix: #887 do not deactivate bids in basicSell when body is empty
    88738dde feat(real estate item): added qualification field autofill
    87810be5 Add totalObjectArea required in reProps.
    192d94a7 fix: #887 add validation on update item data
    a664bd74 feat(dgf): Change regex for previousAuctionId field validation
    cc2cc70a docs(dgf): Update previousAuctionId examples
    f6e6cce4 fix(dgf): Add dgfPublicAssetCertificate field to whitelist
    4b2ae421 added dgfPublicAssetCertificate
    5ff92dcb fix(legitimatePropertyLease award cancellation): change required reason field to terminationReason
    7b2618f7 Add changing to active qualification when 1 bid LLE
    1ed3ed42 feat(legitimatePropertyLease-dutch): added legal names for procedure
    b3baa3e1 Fix legalnames in legitimatePropertyLease.
    72a1e3a1 fix: #844 add validation value.amount on dgf-dutch-initial-qualification
    692a2da3 fix: #928 cancellation relatedDocument only digitalSignature
    b0f41a1d Ref #928 cancellation relatedDocument only digitalSignature
    2a3033dc fix: #928 cancellation relatedDocument only digitalSignature
    63228d71 Add UA-IPN-FOP fixture
  • v3.33.4 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.4
    67b315f1 feat(dgf): Change regex for previousAuctionId field validation
    53549a3e docs(dgf): Update previousAuctionId examples
    aa52deb1 Refactor prolong test according to time zone
    b5bda083 Dgf tests refactoring considering time zone
    f57ea9a6 Tweak artifacts url
    62a3bf80 fix(dgf): Add dgfPublicAssetCertificate field to whitelist
    0690e56f added dgfPublicAssetCertificate
  • v3.34.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.34.2
    970a3035 feat(dgf): Change regex for previousAuctionId field validation
    637b2193 docs(dgf): Update previousAuctionId examples
  • v3.33.3 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.3
    39ac5da3 fix(dgf): Add dgfPublicAssetCertificate field to whitelist
    e255b3a0 fix(dgf): added dgfPublicAssetCertificate
  • v3.34.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.34.1
    e2c26203 fix(dgf): Add dgfPublicAssetCertificate field to whitelist
    a6eab9de fix(dgf): added dgfPublicAssetCertificate field
  • v3.34.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.34.0
    0441c7cf Add validation for advancePaymentAccounts
    fbc4688e Add documents validation LLE
    cf55c6b4 Update api-deployment.yaml
    0e61490a Add tests
    7e8e6e6d Add legitimatePropertyLease dutch procedure
    2aca7c73 build(requirements): Update prozorro-tools to 0.8.0
    153fde39 Add minNumberOfQualifiedBids validation
    6869930a refactor: change Python YAML parser to C Yaml parser
    692bd93e Fix active awarded status creation LLE LLD LLP
    ad631cd4 Add cancellation reason validation to LLE LLD LLP
    a2bd5aff related: #944 fix test for new spec
    3648afed related: #944
    83761976 Concat unsuccessful reason dictionary for dgf procedure
    a4fb42fc fix(help procedures): added more memory limits
    c8ef3b4c Add test for dgf-dutch-initial-qualification-prod
    f0efb6f7 Add new schemas for new initial-qualification-prod  custom procedures
    af5b2857 Fix legasy error during procedure docs POST
    0ec4de44 Revert "Add technicalSpecifications doc to required for procedure dfg"
    88769fe8 fix: #919 change validator for catch 500 on timber-multiawards
    1cd5a6d6 feat: resolved #971 clean spec folder
    5a34dd85 Refactor prolong test according to time zone
    02e0c2ea Add prolongation for dgf legalNames
    bf5d945c refactor(test dicts): removed unused dictinaries, added missing values for existig ones
    280ae9c2 Add technicalSpecifications doc to required for procedure dfg
    8729e82e Add ability to getting contract documents in completed state
    12a71c22 Add procedure cancellation during active auction for dgf
    6d294dde Dgf tests refactoring considering time zone
    6752fb69 fix: #944 catch 500 error
    97d3b9b2 Add ability to getting contract documents in unsuccessful state
    1b928cb2 feat(LLE custom procedures): added classes for managing custom procedures for LLE
    92c16028 fix(legitimatePropertyLease Award): changed the way of copying items to award, because of polymodel usage
    da8b536c fix: #884 enquiryPeriod.endDate
    bad212d3 Revert "fix: #884 enquiryPeriod.endDate"
    5474e3f1 fix: #884 enquiryPeriod.endDate
    54070ae6 fix(LeaseRules.intendedRestrictionMethod): changed validation logic for LeaseRules intended restriction method
    c07948da fix: #932 disqualify award with 'terminationReason'
    8d4e991e fix: #948 Removed restriction on the use of classifiers
    75c18172 fix(BSD swagger): fixed items rendering in swagger schemas
    a42e4a05 feat(legitimatePropertyLease-english): added legal names for legitimatePropertyLease-english procedure
    2ea8d38d fix: #881 change validation for item.address
    d7d343d3 Add bid validation for railway initial qualification
    f1a4a064 Change address to addressUa in basicSell procedure.
  • v3.33.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.2
    0baa46b8 Refactor prolong test according to time zone
    1cb6611f Add procedure cancellation during active auction for dgf
    eabc7b51 Dgf tests refactoring considering time zone
    5217d998 feat(LLE custom procedures): added classes for managing custom procedures for LLE
    b296b2f4 fix(legitimatePropertyLease Award): changed the way of copying items to award, because of polymodel usage
  • v3.33.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.1
    69906853 Merge branch '920/slava/Add_procedure_cancellation_during_active_auction_state' into 'master'
  • v3.33.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.0
    34817fe7 fix(swagger generation): uncommented swagger.json tests for artifacts
    0e07e64e feat(legitimatePropertyLease tests): added tests for legitimatePropertyLease english procedure
    e5be8c0f refactor(validation): changed the way of validating base.LeaseRules.intendedUse and legitimatePropertyLease.valueAddedTaxIncluded fields
    4440cedc fix(landProps schema): added migration for intendedUse -> landInntendedUse field
    0ab6e665 fix(legal-names): Fix x-modelName for basicSell-dutch
    b90e7e4f feat(legitimatePropertyLease): added base classes for english procedure
    853dca39 fix(auth.yml): added new legitimatePropertyLease procedure for tokens
    bd0f2dca fix(swagger tests): commented swagger tests because it is time consuming
    7fc40f51 fix(legitimatePropertyLease.BankAccounts): renamed bankAccountsUkr to bankAccountsUa
    424ca8d3 fix(legitimatePropertyLease): removed redundant type definitions in schemas
    96f99d48 feat(base.LeaseRules): added intendedUse field validation
    752ec08a fix(dictionaries): added missing dictionaries
    02d04b45 feat(legitimatePropertyLease): added base schemas for legitimatePropertyLease procedures, created claim function for items mapping
    30e44388 Add custom period for subsoil dutch tender period
    17621a38 Add basicSell legal names
    2730a544 Fix bid_active_tendering_status test
    d32c627c refactor(classifier masks): changed masks validation, by adding exclusion masks
    a4d95b36 fix: #889 disabled change Bit status on 'inactive' from api
    902ea332 Add tests for updated periods
    58165797 fix: #882 #884 update basicSell-english spec rel: #904
    a8fbab67 fix: #900  changing award status to unsuccessful
    d1acc516 fix: #900  changing award status to unsuccessful
    9b4e183f Remove status invalid from basic sell english bid.
    9f941faa Make Item location required for specific classification, basicSell eng
    b5764e75 Correct use of unsuccessful dict dgf dutch
    78208a16 fix: #885  setup qualificationPeriod in basicSell-english
    fba4b167 Remove cancellationDetails from allowed document types for basicSell.
  • v3.32.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.32.2
    d4078f32 Refactored the way of getting winner/challenger awards and contracts
    f346fadd Fix bug with not changing status to active
    e5ad668c Fix: #891  Add terminationReason field to Award whitelist
    be77776c Fix: #891  Add terminationReason field to Award whitelist
    555bcabc Change baseAddress to baseAddressUa dgf procedure. Linked to adding region dictionary.
    71af6acb Change baseAddress to baseAddressUa renewables procedure. Linked to adding region dictionary.
    798b2f19 Changed address for base.SellingEntity to AddressUa schema
    459db660 Added base.AddressUa schema
    2f4628d3 Fix 500 server error on procedure item post patch with list
    40449cfa Added prolongationDate to forbidden fields for activation
    00bd6d11 Revert "Merge branch 'mashony/revert-basicSell' into 'master'"
    8653cc81 Returned logic with dgf qualification period expiration when active contract exists - procedure awaits to be completed manually
    8fa16c23 Added dgf cancellation reason validation with dict values
    735a0616 Updated requirements.txt and added test for basicsell procedure creation with broken data
    9353e63c Change descriptions.
  • v3.32.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.32.1
    9f7e60a8 Revert "Merge branch '876/slava/BasicSell_dutch_procedure_implementation' into 'master'"
    480fdad9 Revert "Merge branch 'mashony/dev-deployment-helm-limits-update' into 'master'"
  • v3.32.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.32.0
    20456825 Update assign_custom_periods and remove draft specs
    f7b70958 Add tenderPeriod to custom initial-qualification procedure
    f7f60216 Question period fixes, initial qualification adding
    ccd40095 Add fast spec
    7e3c3bb0 Add pytest tests
    cbc4bd03 Add BasicSell dutch base class
    98f4e3cb Add dutch basicSell skeleton procedure
    6c8d8a76 Changed the way of asigning unsucessful reason of dgf procedures
    fab11be7 Add validation to dgf contract datePaid field
    8e1d35da Added DgfDutchAuction class for bid documents validation at active_auction period
    a1c3a331 Added award disqualification on signing period end if procedure was not completed
    e51961c7 Require damagedDescription if damagedPresence
    0eba27a2 fix(basicSell): Fix questionPeriod, rectificationPeriod enddate calculation
    f034920e Add basicSell english sellingMethods
    af50e7d8 feat(basicSell): Add check for clarifications doc uploaded on proc update
    b8c08153 Jwt refactoring
    6908bcfc Remove create/update procedure documents methods from DGF Active Awarded state
    6410df23 fix(basicSell): Expand roles who is able to update award status
    2ca6a3ec fix(dgf): resolve 500 error on dgf item update api
    dbfb6b1d Change buyers english descriptionl.
    a730cf06 Update readme for specification
    4fc9bc26 Change additionalinformation description.
    5aef93c8 Change additionalinformation description.
    a35da3bd Update decription
    e6bfe313 Update description
    2534cec3 Update descriptions
  • v3.31.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.31.1
    f2e1d112 Add migration for check_active_contracts spec
  • v3.31.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.31.0
    b66833fe feat(basic-sell): Add legal names for basicSell dutch/eng procedures
    aecdfb10 fix(basicSell): Update basicSell bid fixture and revert changes from renewables
    5149acf5 fix(bacicSell): rename Procedure model and fix failed test
    636c6ce6 refactoring(basicSell): Remove draft specs and fix imports
    6420ef8e refactor(basicSell): refactor several functions
    0804ae00 feat(basicSell): update procedure dictionaries usage
    3a017c38 Add tests. Resolve pep8 issues
    0a17ff55 feat(basicSell): Provide active_qualification and active_tendering logic
    4302f7c4 feat(basicSell): Add bid value amount validation
    2c212e58 feat(basicSell): Update basicSell specs. Add auction transitions tests
    ee4fe20b feat(basicSell): Add item address & location validation based on choosed classification
    24ff1ab1 feat(basicSell): Add custom x-claim-func to basicSell.items.itemProps
    e6a31233 feat(basicSell): Add deactivate bids logic after procedure was updated
    a2ecd8f2 feat(basicSell): Add several initial tests and tests for period calculation
    30e84c08 feat(basicSell): Add basicSell base model classes
    f7c7be4b feat(basicSell): Add basicSell procedure models swagger specification
    e66110f9 feat: Add new basicSell skeleton procedure
    c3ac42d8 feat(dgf): Add autogenerated itemPropsType field to all ItemProps models
    19902157 Add base value amount zero validation