Tagged release v1.32.0

ee66d6d fix(LRE/LSE/LSP): Update land protocols (cancelled and unsuccessful procedures)
25798b6 fix: update protocol titile for LSE, LRE, LSP procedures
bfdaea7 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): update complete, cancelled, unsuccessful protocol fields
eea6dbe Fix protocols. Add withVat to finalValue field for all procedures. Add to_string to all sums.
3386e3d Add toString to all protocols fee values.
4bada9f build: freeze aiohttp version
3131a58 feat(CSE/CSD): Add protocols for commercialSell procedures
816cee3 refactoring:standardize_amount method returns a verbal representation of the amount only for UAH. issue:https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/protocol-service/-/issues/95
0a3ef50 Feat(CI/CD) refactoring image names for test stages
a5bcdcb refactor: defining app config settings using Environment class
04f1241 refactoring:replace items with items_block.html for RCE complete.html
21adb99 Feat(CI/CD): integrate with bandit, safety