Tagged release v0.8.0

8cd44c7 fix: copy customHandlerError into build and fix path to it
199414d fix: add classname, fix border input
6de286d fix: add max bid error if count more 20
d7565d8 fix: remove slash from index html
36a7b3a fix:[39] fix for style clock datapiker
b39d8d5 fix: add fractionality of numbers
8870bab fix:[49] fix widht field responsive 800-1000
a33dc89 feat: add popup about not supported browsers
8de41ba fix:[46]border for dutch field steps
aed1262 fix:[49,50,58] fields location dutch and english
c7ab968 fix:[34] fix fields teaxtarea with error
511de59 fix: remove search in select
53507b1 fix:[54] fix scroll for safari 10-13 versions
36b7e7c fix for mobile safari ios
a78b4fb fix:[46] inputs focus
08c63b1 fix: mobile height html
1508ddb fix:change error message bid price
13bacdb fix:[53]delete rounding scroll
99b421c fix: fix direction arrow select input
d9a85b3 fix: fix change price bid
c5bdf7f feat: add ga events click link spectator and participant
7a158e0 fix:[661] favicon for demo auctions
0c36b80 fix:[45, 42, 47] fix shadow top, and mobile "how work auction"
9e6bffe fix: [34] fix generation button mobile
2bc352a feat: add GA to project. Change mode validation form.
34d7bd2 feat:add automatically fill field
788c9b9 fix:[45] indent from how-does-the-auction-work
4ef4d24 fix:[40] border color from auction creator select
58cc711 fix:[42] fix close button image
d8dd3c4 fix:[44] width fields members dutch auction demo
9a10abb fix:[39] style for calendar time
92fd6f0 fix:[43] fix font for link observer
db5088a fix:[32] fix width main block for auction creator
1296aa8 fix:[38] color arrow for select type auction
51ea6dd feat:add helpbock how work auctions
3a00092 fix: change placholder count step auction
38a4b79 fix:freeze colors package
bd14414 fix:fix some styles for button create
34cb490 fix: fix same bid id
17b5530 feat: change validate form. Add new logic with popups after cancel or create auction
67defe3 fix: fix creator wotking with new selector
65e026a feat: add errors, select
66097cb feat:[24] demo auctions design