Tagged release v0.7.0

31d0745 fix: stop triger childrens when close popup
62bbd4c fix: close popup when clicking outside it
93055a9 fix:[68] for scroll textarea fields
5b0fb7f feat: add script for removing duplicated answers
43c8e41 fix(answer): add migrations for answer.owner field
de35ee1 refactor(amswer): rename NPC to NPS
50c14c2 refactor(migrations): add validation to extra_data fields
75a6cad feat(answers): add NPC answer statistic
7585193 refactor(surveys): refactor survey response stat view
b656b2f fix(questions): remove requirednes from question test properties
3e9a594 feat(migrations): add migration for setting correct bidder status
fbbbcf5 fix:[67] scroll to top button