Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.2.0
    Tagged release v3.2.0
    d9d2ac1 fix(registry object, action, lease_request  history): Add object_id validation
    acfaa31 fix(LeaseRules): added migration for broken objects depending on intendedUseRestrictionMethod. BREAKING CHANGES: intendedUse validation changed
    2a4d9fc refactor(LeaseRules fields): changed validation for fields depending on intendedUseRestrictionMethod
    fefe6dd Merge descriptions for intendedUseRestrictionMethod.
    3e60d9b Add required for intendedUseRestrictionMethod in LeaseRules.
    560de2d Update intendedUse and intendedUseRestrictionMethod descriptions
    d64e037 Update intendedUse description
    6a6fea9 Fix leaseRules intendedUse fields properties.
    2d09365 Fix indendedUse fields in leaseRules block.
    daa8326 feat(registry action): Change related objs fields to relatedEntity list field
    c1a60e8 feat(registry databridge): Registry databridge implementation
    6286124 refactor(AddressUa schema): changed schemas to use AddressUa model
    e127fca fix(LandProps): removed redundant _classfication_id field, renamed class
    f5adbdc Add _version field to the blacklist
    8903ee8 Remove readOnly for buyers in contracts.
    70d274a fix: #104 contracts list cannot be updated through obj PATCH req
    216940b fix(dictionaries): added missing encumbrances dict to list
  • v3.1.2
    Tagged release v3.1.2
    7414a3d fix(requirements): updated requirements
    eecabe2 Merge branch 'master' into kpn/100/error_500_contract_creation
    2b374fe fix: #100 checking response message in test
    bbda3f4 fix: #100 error on contract creation
    9a0820b refactor(tests): created separate classes for testing different collections, moved existing tests
    62661a1 refactor(tests): added new fixtures for tests
    579739d refactor(test dicts): removed redundant dicts, moved dictionaries to separate folder
    969f101 Fix swagger client generation
    153fcdb feat(AddressUa): added AddressUa schema
    30cf84d Update api-deploymet.yaml
    235263d refactor(ClassifierIdStringType): changed the way of checking masks by adding exclusion
    d1ad20f Added BaseItemProps class for landProps schema
    9797a8e Fix landProps model.
    700d4f7 Add landProps model.
    46ab297 Fix descriptions for base models. Add field landProps to JointPropertyComplexProps.
  • v3.1.1
    d118befa · Update api-deploymet.yaml ·
    Tagged release v3.1.1
    d118bef Update api-deploymet.yaml
  • v3.1.0
    Tagged release v3.1.0
    311fd8e fix(contracts): Fix 500 error on contract creation if documents field is None
    3f2e376 Update api-deploymet.yaml
    ed7d770 Update tests for vehicle item classification validation
    2387860 Add history endpoints for action objects
    e708be6 Change classificator for vehicleitem.
    e77550a Add to blacklist datePublished and dateModified for doc putch and put
    316ccc5 Add ownershipType value.
    5a6602d Change descriptions.
    68ef22c Renamed field in required fields schema section. Breaking changes registryObjectId -> relatedObjectId, for lease_request
    f6f86de Added specific migration version usage for each migration test
    d34cbe2 Added migration for renaming registryObjectId field to relatedObjectId for leaseRequest
    cf607d1 Update lease_request.yml
    458b649 Synchronize item props with procedure.
  • v3.0.0
    Tagged release v3.0.0
    e48cef1 fix(registry): make location field in Placing model not required
    7770674 Fix get document history 500 error
    c45d0f3 Adding version when obj creation
    97243e2 Kateryna/registry update descriptions
    2664d7c Jwt_refactoring
    9fdffa7 fix(registry-migration): Update 012 migration logging
    cf22d6f Update registry placing schema. Make addressId required
    9326723 Make location required field in Placing model. Add migration to fill empty values
    ff2b8e3 Make address.locality required field in Placing model. Add migration to fill empty value
    f14fa54 Update region validation. Add migration to fix regions in placing
    a9e4659 Add endpoints for documents history for registry, action
    e264fd8 Remove ntendedUseRestrictionDescription if noRestrictions
    b794555 Add action, lease document datePublished dateModified to blacklist
    b1de052 Update descriptions
    4c68d9f Update descriptions
    48f1673 Update descriptions
  • v0.10.2
    Tagged release v0.10.2
    0188019 Adding version when obj creation
  • v0.10.1
    Tagged release v0.10.1
    51b66bd Use unique index for new fields
  • v0.10.0
    Tagged release v0.10.0
    abbaa12 Add logs to adding_fields_mongo.py
    6261179 Use right name for archive collections
    11066d4 Use right mongo url for migration script
    06e6cec Add Id fields to registry, lease and action objects
    6ad698a document datePublished dateModified to blacklist
    c361833 Change logic of removing field from data in object
    4d58114 Add test on NoneType's validation
    96c6e99 Updated intendedUse field description
    6c01213 Set credentials for publish swagger package
    4151cc5 Fix typo intendedUse typo
    21700ca Add datePublished and dateModified to black list
    c25e7c1 Rename registryItemId to registryObjectId
    d1d69c1 Make document not reffering to itself
    918411c Add document history endpoint
    79dee5b Added validation for base.Identifier class by pattern
    dc2f540 Added intendedUse setting to None if intendedUseRestrictionMethod is noRestrictions
    b2b6794 Fix creating item with otherProperty
    09484b3 Fix indexes creation for registry collections
    f9100d8 Make relatedDocument field only for digitalSignature when doc create
  • v0.9.1
    Tagged release v0.9.1
    de4e85e Pinned pyjwt version 1.7.1
  • v0.9.0
    80414802 · Merge tag 'v0.8.2' ·
    Tagged release v0.9.0
    0de77cc Returned old swagger schemas without collapsing, in order to fix model referencing
    747a559 Fix 500 due registryObjectItems incorrect data shape
    62dab5b Use prozorro chart museum for mongodb-replicaset chart
    9172dca Added swagger schema collaption
    3f8c241 Added migration for registry objects titles
    da210c6 Pin schematics version to 3.2.2
  • v0.8.2
    Tagged release v0.8.2
    3d23fca Use helm3 for build helm package
  • v0.8.1
    Tagged release v0.8.1
    4f8bb1e Added related_owner role to base model
  • v0.8.0
    Tagged release v0.8.0
    a007f6a Change migration for currentTenant
    3460428 aaaa
    cceae41 Added migration for address.region.uk_UA and address.countryName.uk_UA fields
    038652a Update test fixtures with right countryName.uk_UA field value
    4468c68 Remove multileng type usage
    1e572a7 Remove multileng type
    85436f7 Added blacklisting data for LeaseRequest by tokens of object and its related objects
    1d13218 Changed auth module for registry to use base auth service
    daa7609 Added setup wheel jobs
    11f2221 Setup models on model generator import
    d8fbf16 Add migration for agreementExtension typo
    2f82c23 Add migration for empty actingEntityRole field
    a9259cf Unpin python version
  • v0.7.0
    Tagged release v0.7.0
    c0b1737 Added nested classifiers support
    f01b5a9 Added migration for intendedUse field
    e5eac5a Added intendedUse field validation
    0d37713 added intendedUse in base.LeaseRules
    0c3a011 Use new dev urls for local env
    5c263cf Added liveness/readiness probe initial delay
    0d5f3ad Add swagger client generation test. Fix gitlab swagger cli generation step
    cbb6a4f Deny registry Action self-relation
    7577df1 Update model AddressIdentifier import roles by adding name in blacklist. Update test fixtures. Fix tests
    aa20f01 Update model SellingEntity import roles by adding name in blacklist. Update test fixtures. Fix tests
    425567b Update Organization import roles by adding name in blacklist. Update test fixtures. Fix tests
  • v0.6.2
    Tagged release v0.6.2
    13bd9ab Updated registry migration to migrate old objects without registryObjectItems.basicInfo.classification
  • v0.6.1
    Tagged release v0.6.1
    a79668b Fixed migration for managin entity identifier scheme
  • v0.6.0
    Tagged release v0.6.0
    317a4e5 Move contractMethod and contractStatus to dictionaries
    98d0349 Fix url concatenation for dictionaries service
    178b7be Use "combat" registry image for local dev
    bd435dd Added preload of test classifiers
    1b236c4 Preload classifiers from classifiers service
    5601e92 Removed classifiers dir
    65ebacb Add contractMethod and contractStatus to classifiers
    c8c4ad3 Added id field to contract blacklist
    c4c6d27 Update schematics version to v3.2.2
    a69797a Added swagger docs for new contract endpoints
    acd28ce Added endpoints for manipulating contracts and contract documents
    3e9f9e6 Added base.LifeTime to base.yml
    d302daf added base.contract and base.RegistryObject.contracts
    9d879f5 Update tests according to changes
    4ef600c Add test for migration
    26db5b3 Add migration for remove 06000000-2 classification from realEstate item
    7e3fa5d Deleted unnecessary values of classification
    84cd1fe Changed the way of validating values by x-dictionaries
    699adf2 Added migrations for ManagingEntityIdentifier.scheme field
    8192c72 Remove swagger generator wheel
    4be7124 Added new values to documentOf dictionary
    891d0e1 Added new values to statusInList dictionary
    2d8724f Update description for scheme field in base.ManagingEntityIdentifier model
    0fb7b44 updated scheme enum in base.ManagingEntityIdentifier
    9ecc0c8 Added migration for agreementExtension typo
    29540be Fixed a typo in requestType dictionary
    857f74d Upddate tests for regstry object items
    094ad0c Add CPVS classifier
    f87ed80 Additional classification - CDB should autogenerate 2 value from CPVS dictionary: * QB29-3 - З питань законодавства у сфері нерухомості * PA01-7 - Оренда
    28441b3 Added migration for vehicle items properties to change fuel type from gas to naturalGas
    c29b25f Added new dictionary - intendedUse
    e027091 Added new value to transmissionType dictionary
    fa90629 Changed legal names for statusInList dictionary
    8de5401 Changed legal names for registrationState dictionary
    4521e8f Added new values to ownershipType dictionary
    33ca929 Added new value to listType dictionary
    4af6c1b Modified fuelType dictionary, added new values
    a26bd08 Removed redundant enums from fields in shemas where dictionary is used
    52d7469 added appraisalCost and compensationAmount to objectValues, updated legalNames for marketValueValuationDetails
  • v0.5.0
    Tagged release v0.5.0
    9f321f3 Update schematics version to 3.2.1
    1450117 Added ability to delete registry object document
    587dc0b Change url for registry objects tests
    5175cb3 Add endpoint without itemType for create registry objects
    b25e3e6 Add base registry model and refactor model generator according to model changes
    9425b31 Update schematics version to v3.2.0
    9130371 Modified requestType dictionary by removing old values and adding new ones
    3114ddc Changed legal names for documents in leaseAction and leaseRequest schemas
    7572974 Added validation for heritageApproval and culturalHeritageCondition fields
    cd36025 Add tests according to changes
    d5d1e39 Add id field to registry items
    355a2cc Corrected lease request collection name
    bdd31c0 Update legal names for type and relatedRequestId
    0539fc6 Update description in listType field
    a92ad26 Update base.yml
    b5c2737 Update base.ManagingEntity description Update properties legal names Update identifier legal names Update address description and legal names
    11fd7e6 Update base.ManagingEntityIdentifier description Update legal names for scheme Update legal names for legalName Update legal names for id
    4e4a7d5 added culturalHeritage to base.StatusesDecisions, updated descriptions for heritageApproval and culturalHeritageCondition
    e3f04d8 Add tests according to changes
    b932fe7 Make registryObjectItems.basicInfo.classification required in registry objects
    3c266e4 Update secondListAbsoluteValue field legal name in base.objectValues schema
    9dfc0fe Add description to secondListMethodology field in base.objectValues schema
    6d50063 Update description in base.Value schema
    bc49635 Update legal name for lengthYears, lengthMonths, lengthDays in base.Schedule schema
    6fe2e87 Update legal names for propertyOwnerApproval, sellingEntityApproval, governingEntityApproval, privatizationDecision, investmentDecision in base.StatusesDecisions schema
    a6442b7 Update relatedOrganizations legal name
    1822f1d Add description to propertyOwner, sellingEntity, governer objects in base.RelatedOrganizations schema
    ef8d8ea Update x-legalNameUa for governer field in base.RelatedOrganizations schema
    5a62d87 Update legal names of scheme and legalName fields of base.Identifier schema
    e066826 Update base.RelatedOrganizations description
    084adb3 Added swagger validation job
    8ace3dc Added endpoint to check does broker authenticated
    255f872 Added CPV classifier to preload schema
    c3d1ac6 Correct registry swagger schema
    dc5ae55 Added migrations for registry object/action/lease request
    7cf7215 Added montenegro to identifiers schema
    ac8d666 Removed enum from list type property
  • v0.4.0
    Tagged release v0.4.0
    5f86bdd Changed legal name of values in ownership type dictionary
    2f45a91 Add tests according to changes
    943324c Pin python 3.8-slim
    91aacbf Check data type in documents init before proccessing
    b996d0a Pin docker image to python 3.8
    fee9d10 Corrected leaseRestrictions classifier typos
    808c7e1 Removed storage class for registry mongo
    8d63059 Changed localization for list type dictionary
    1809d15 Refactored _on_documents_set method
    634aab1 Handle incorrect document id types
  • v0.3.0
    Tagged release v0.3.0
    d61012c Blacklist _version field
    8e4440d Update tests
    06b208f Removed archiveId field
    a743624 Add swagger description for lease request docs
    d18bde6 Add tests for lease request documents
    809e293 Add api endpoints for lease requests docs
    9a39b92 Update models and schema for lease requests doc
    8a3fb99 Added tests to check VehicleProps.productionYear validation
    1a2148c Added validation for VehicleProps.productionYear
    f99a8a5 Update swagger description
    617436f Added endpoint to search lease requests by date modified
    1503701 Fix spelling on VehicleProps.engineCapacity field
    75848be Add action dictionaries
    edd9391 Create volumes only for local development
    a3af651 Change RegistryItem.additionalClassifications type to array
    ccddb4c Added exception handler for non existing dictionary
    00004e1 Added damage description validation
    8fadfcb Deleted word Vehicle from damagedDescription field description
    d24f9e2 Add tests for registry action documents
    28a98e7 Add endpoints to create/path/get/put lease action documents with swagger description
    f6e9324 Update tests for registry action object
    fbe4ea8 Validate action related objects ids
    1bbc848 Lease requests swagger description
    b512787 Add lease-request tests
    2912a5a Add endpoints for lease_requests
    d7855f4 Add db layer for lease requests
    adbc41d Update requestType dictionaries
    ce23f4f Update model generator for LeaseRequest
    6fa588c Add schema and model for registry LeaseRequest
    68c9cca Do not allow to pass id on document creating
    2f31bc6 Undo blacklisting doc id on import
    1b91a12 Add endpoint to search registry objects by date modified
    b8fc915 Update document mixin hook to validate value properly
    2daddac Add tests for regustry actions api
    550712a Update errors
    8a274bb Add endpoints to post/patch/get/search by date modified actions with sawagger description
    56768ac Add dictionaries related to lease action
    b2af71a Add registry action schema and base model
    45eeb31 Changed power supply dictionary
    8c1e02f Changed registry schema by adding enum for RealEstateItem.basicInfo classification validation
    bdf20de Changed registry schema by adding enum for JointPropertyComplexItem.basicInfo classification validation
    b9da592 Added ua_identifiers to x-dictionaries for base.Identifier
    68ba1c4 Changed registry schema by adding enum for OtherPropertyItem.basicInfo classification validation
    c8462dc Fixed vehicle item classification validation test
    bc43cb0 Changed registry schema by adding enum for VehicleItem.basicInfo classification validation
    8e4f5e4 Add CAV-PS dictionary to preload list
    dfb5e76 Update registry routes
    2a24c4f Renamed enum value in dictionary
    8ee2ede Update fixtures according to changes
    488d006 Update registrationRequisites and legalNameEn in base.StatusesDecisions
    71e31d4 Update registry.yml
    a1de5c0 Update registry.yml
    87f766b Update registry.VehicleProps description
    88c0020 Update registry.yml
    d0449f6 Add example to servicesDescription object in registry.RealEstateProps schema
    4df866a Update registry.yml
    77d843f Update registry.yml
    ce68d6b Update registry.RealEstateItem description
    67b1439 Update registry.yml
    aad771f Update registry.yml
    21cf94c Update registry.RealEstate description
    8c63806 Update registry.yml
    0fff8a4 Update registry.yml
    7effb89 Update registry.JointPropertyComplexItem description
    fbd42ec Update registry.yml
    38729c2 Update registry.yml
    1930423 Update registry.VehicleItem description
    7c78349 Added missing dictionaries, modified old ones
    363ac6f Update registry.yml
    5e601bd Update registry.yml
    2a6adc9 Update registry.OtherPropertyItem description
    3d8c0dd Update registry.yml
    8d1d67e Update registry.yml
    3b35c8b Update registry.OtherProperty description
    747e75f Update base.yml
    dbeeb17 Update base.yml
    ba924f1 Add description to statusInList object
    eb934b4 Corrected scheme description in base.Identifier schema
    bae74bc Corrected scheme description and dictionary link in base.ManagingEntityIdentifier schema
    7aff778 Update registry.yml
    ff4a72e Update registry.yml
    1883b9b Update registry.yml
    8d1f9ca Updated base.Document.documentOf enum
    45bff79 Update registry.yml
    7e1a71d Update registry.yml
    f186872 Update registry.yml
    0ac0373 Update registry.yml
    590fe06 Update registry.yml
    273dc7f Update registry.yml
    71debcf Update registry.yml
    3385680 Update base.yml
    ab1cb0a Update base.yml
    96fd973 Update base.yml
    9299c6e Corrected x-legalNameEn to registrationRequisits
    d228ea5 Corrected x-legalNameUa to secondListDecisionDescription Corrected x-legalNameUa to governingEntityApproval
    577621a Update base.yml
    c76b9b1 Add example to base.StatusesDecisions schema
    bba1c73 Add intendedUseRestrictionDescription description in base.LeaseRules schema
    5f2d388 Update registry.yml
    4f36f2c Update registry.yml
    4cf9a59 Update registry.yml
    894953c Update registry.yml
    0ba5075 Add basicInfo description in registry.OtherPropertyItem schema
    94f77c8 Add basicInfo description in registry.VehicleItem schema
    81738f7 Add  basicInfo description in registry.JointPropertyComplexItem schema
    9e0a169 Update registry.yml
    91f53f0 Update registry.yml
    c8942de Add description to basicInfo in registry.RealEstateItem schema
    e6d8c33 Update registry.Vehicle description
    b2a7bc0 Update registry.JointPropertyComplexProps schemas descritption
    140d6b5 Update locationInBuilding description
    a85839a Update description to registry.RealEstateProps schema
    e0722d3 Add swagger-client CI jobs
    a518919 Add swagger-client sh script