Tagged release v0.6.0

7db61f8 Fix import
e866e69 Fixes of states
7c89894 Add check current bidder id in bid form
b7aeb35 Fix auction page layout
cdb3f11 Refactor initialBids component
4f7be75 Fix displaying of children components
6b90445 Refactor bid form
3c7d6e4 Fix history rounds
c8cc4bd Refactor english round
94cdf83 Move timer selector
f1e7f77 Refactor auction info card
4cbeccd Add function to add messages + fix messages layout
1945f94 Refactor auctionInfo Header + translation
318c59c Add parameters to the websocket endpoint
199ba53 Refactor timeline
cead934 Removed useless data from global state defaults
0bc0b6c Minor refactoring to avoid socket reload
ffb4284 Ids
da8ab50 Refactoring
b6f8f5c Extracted AuctionFeed as a separate component
376a685 Refactored AuctionPage
e828ddc Removed lang switcher related code
e81c3df Moved global state to app level
b88f2d1 Green Pause
0af8bce Disclaimer
6215fa3 Working on language switcher
0c9620b Working on StateContent refactoring
97ec30d Working on pending state
1760d7c Continue working on states structure
fa04787 Working on components separation
7df8c8c Working on components refactoring
c9a1dee Addded root path plugin
216faed Fixed local dev container start
19ee4c0 Updated scripts version
30f5593 Added missing deps to lock file
7238de2 Added babel-plugin-root-import dep
f98d05d *ignores
741a88e Added react-rewired dependency
c962ea6 Minor changes in dockerignore and make scripts
eb133de Refactor CI
43b084e Add demo frontend service
db58629 Fix post bid in bidder form.
c515d42 Fix the detail block size and add ids for auto-tests
5a3318e fix field header