Tagged release v3.22.0

2bb89a6 Fix show bidder info in mobile and tablet
39c653d fix:[612] fix button english priority safari 10-1
5a96039 fix:[605] fix left block
cc15966 Fix show active tab by public role
8c21856 fix[635] fix font for responsive 800-1200
75f3cd0 fix:[632, 633] fix left block
312b17b fix:[622] fix location of the closing button
aeee242 fix: [605] separation of authorized and unauthorized
e7b3c9e fix:[631] icon question in left column border 2
e9a6cf1 fix:[632, 633] fix height left column 480px
1b432f9 fix:[565] fix visibility popup safari 10
c9c5b7a fix:[619] Safari 10 auction didn`t start, center block responsiv
772e046 fix(api): fix front url issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#629
12f3b6f feat:[622] Add button for close warning popup
e688dd9 fix:[551] left block margin last child
ec61428 Fix autoscroll in rounds auction
f083ff2 fix:[589] scroll iE-11 320+ responsive
0764010 Fix show help text in precedent round in priority auction
e104480 Fix autoscroll message in mobile
bd0ea94 Add environment variables to docker compose
7b400ad Redesign auction module
1b4af94 fix:[619] fix banner before the start auction
7c52c56 fix:[566] displaying the left block in safari 10
f861bbb fix: [618, 596, 601, 605, 589, 551] fix left column height, scroll
9b927a7 Clear error after success submit bid
54cf995 Fix title browser tab in cancelled state priority auction
922393f fix: splitting info and updates blocks
55aa81a Fix autoscroll messages from unread messages
5ff7b9f feat(pending): add auction paused status logic
955b23e Freeze nodejs version 16.13.0
6dac0df fix:[609] fix qustion icons hover, focus
d7fe4e2 Fix show error connection message in infobar
93a7bf8 fix:[614] ios center column height
5049321 fix:[606, 607] fix label priority-action befor bidder
1c8ba14 fix: button bidder in safari 13 and below
eb8eda2 fix: [603] fix font in auction dont start
cea9d18 fix:[565] fix font for 320px-360px in pop-up
ca0f02c fix:[602] auction canceled rename variable
f227840 fix: bug priority auction left column - height
14f24ee fix:[613] fix bug disclaimer safari 14, 13, 12
ed17e46 fix:[598] hidden langueges
d906fe3 fix:[596] left block height
4d70997 fix:[604] mobile bidder line break
d84165c fix: [600] fix auction start label margin bottom
33c184a fix[551] fix paddin-bottom left column
3833bfe fix: [597] text center for ie
2327e1f fix: add mixin, variables, delete comments
355bfd6 fix: [589, 554] + variables
d61274b Fix show duration time message in infobar
e28a5bf fix:[563] error field hover
2118319 fix:[567] color menu and close
99a4edc fix:[576] margin for title
7e48573 fix:[554] animation for menu
9bcbbc1 fix: [564] banner waiting
e035cc9 Add variables
74b49f9 Add mixins for media iE, iOS, Safari
c336fd5 Change notification message show
a6517d4 Change dev environment in docker-compose
4b2cc0e fix: [554] test fix for block menu animation
09b0118 fix: [540] fix pop-up position iE 11
47aaaf2 fix: [559] fix button bid in iOS mobile
92f5456 fix: [545] fix error 500 in iE
18b009f fix: [560] fix header paddings
86cb948 fix: [564] fix logo while waiting for the auction max-800px
cb25c0a fix: [543] fix window with languages for iOS mobile
8423afd fix: [556] left block gragient fix position for safari
6ae790c fix: [562] center block text alignment
efd9689 fix: [557] wrapping an icon to the next line
17680ce fix: [557] wrapping an icon to the next line
88a89e7 fix: [556] left block gragient fix position
de4253e fix: [556] left block gragient fix position
007c0d0 fix: [553] fix hamburger and id responsive hidden
ad7e027 fix: [542, 548] fix images with arrow
0f7ce93 fix: [538, 539, 550, 546, 544] gradient overlaps scroll, scroll left block, block languages,
758d56b fix: [547, 541, 551] left block paddings, element input gap between blocks
153c162 fix:[555, 549, 551] logo in left-bottom block
13795e4 Show messages in different tabs
393b6db Add new dev-demo k8s deployment config for new dev env
0d2f4c3 Fix issues redesign in react
bd32b97 Add images and config webpack
1e99fb8 Delete folder markup
3a898ea Fix code style - stylelin, add new fonts
f1601f5 Gourmand left and right colums to one component
72029de Fix polyfill by ie and safari. Fix translations.
b4885df Add preload all chuncks
2e98c7a Refactor translation key
7b3e99e Rrefactor generate timeline
44e2418 Remove duplicate component and change webpackconfig
cfc4ba1 Rewrite local run webpack
b931729 Rewrite build app to webpack