Tagged release v3.27.0

7db1ab2 fix(CSP): auction ws connection
80fcf35 fix(deploy): demo dev env values
34fb5c3 fix: change add surrvey script. Add ws to connect-src by Safari.
7bf5ebc fix: fix for scroll textara fields
d7b46b5 fix: fix fields stage-rate
3d1488a fix(CSP): temporary add 'unsafe-inline' for survey.js style
405a2df fix(CSP): temporary add 'unsafe-eval' for survey.js
fde3972 fix(required): update package-lock.json for new npm
e2cf887 fix(CI): add CHART_MUSEUM_URL
0adef43 fix(CI): helm artifact name
16123a4 feat(CSP): add content-security-policy
60eec40 fix: question button layout
eb6562e fix: scroll to top button
ce5c9ed fix: button fedback form mobile