Tagged release v3.32.0

0922b4f feat: custom bid input with textarea
2efa9e1 fix:[770] bidder button position
68c9877 fix:[765, 766] word break dutch stage rate
7b0a704 fix:[762] fedback form checkbox color black and white
edc8494 fix:[751, 752] icon-succes infinity accessibility
68ce89e fix:[767] bidder content field for IE
509189c fix:[768] bidder btn text for IE
3d7bd3c fix:[763, 764] bidder content position
9764a0d fix:[743] details content position
8699553 fix:[751,752] center active bid icon
571e4cb fix:[760] bidder accepted color for black and white version
23d39c7 fix:[749] scroll left block for IE
ef8349d fix:[747] info messages position for IE
96e8e7e fix:[750] icon active bid for IE
193a190 fix:[746] block active bidder position for IE
5267b17 fix:[745] centered main block for IE
52a0bca fix(api version): fixed display of api versions
1296c88 fix: hover link black and white
3a19ec9 fix:[743] details context width
bd3bf3f fix: hidden tooltip
023bc93 fix: height accessibility window
18e7843 fix:[739] translation tooltip and pop-up accessibility
98a4295 fix:[738] bidder form text for mobile
9d9c26f fix:[741, 742] align centre results timer
18febfd fix:[735] active field color for black and white
9416b38 fix/[737] canceled bids btn mobile
002b47d fix:[740] details about aution - fix text style
83989ab fix: close accesibility popup after click outside
76b8cae fix: header details btn
cfe73a8 Infinity auction "Accessibility"
1f4a61d add-style-adaptive-fonts
370d742 fix: change logic show accessibility popup
122d56d add-style-adaptive-fonts
622828d fix: add accessibility settings to redux
a0b703f add-style-adaptive-fonts
9f8a05f Brehunov/652/style for large content
149cd70 feat: add popup accessability settings
f7fd611 feat:[652] function_for_the_visually_impaired