Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v3.33.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.2
    8263543 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
  • v3.33.3 protected
    Tagged release v3.33.3
    b6de8e7 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
  • v3.34.0 protected
    ac98b2f5 · fix: branch deploy ·
    Tagged release v3.34.0
    ac98b2f fix: branch deploy
    e72b8d4 fix:[821] flag margin responsiv min-width 800px
    1318946 change:[832] change the color of header bar, address bar mobile chrome + safari
    feeb969 fix:[831]feedback form gradien index
    fc32872 changes:[802] when switching pages scroll to top
    c565e19 fix:[825] auction type field column to mobile
    7b8913b fix: includes files from root path
    4abdf28 fix:[805] gradien z-index
    225b033 fix: few request to search
    f2859a0 fix: translation label field value amount
    3bd5be4 fix:[814] add spinner for loaded page
    c60329b feat: add matrix action and procedure types by options select
    997842a fix:[803]aution id underline
    399edf8 change:[817, 824] add style for hover auction type
    2ac6191 feat: add support procedure without auction
    9b19a03 fix:[788] disabled btn raise and confirm infinity auction version black and white
    5911385 fix:[830] change datepiker input border
    d56f1d5 change:[826] changing the arrangement of words
    d88ae4f fix: filter by value amount if startValueAmount and endValueAmount equal
    50bad6d change:[828] pagination position bottom
    5ed7373 feat:[806] disabled button reset filters - main page
    8ffbacd fix: search include end date
    b696fd0 fix: validation amount in main page
    21f7dce fix:[815] select list height for main page
    97fd47c fix:[818, 819] auction card content first column
    bb3e073 fix:[820] autocomplete off to datepicker
    5e338be fix:[804] input datepicker border
    79d6060 fix:[803] hover autction block for main page
    0e25964 feat: remove last page from pagination
    31c4089 feat: add filter by click label auction type
    92ae548 fix: remove currency filter
    02bb02c fix: manifest.json
    4c4668b fix: browser cache
    d7cfde7 fix: favicon location
    6a8dc1d fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
    7330532 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
    098640c fix: browser cache
    401acbc fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
    7f50b2b fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
    28ba821 fix(websocket):  add ping pong communication
    c763036 fix:[788] disabled button after placing a bid and hidden field bid form
    521fb87 fix:[789] scrolling main block after open bidder form
    8e9d49f feat: add href by creator auction
    23d7421 fix: change show value in AuctionCard
    b10e028 fix: preload style, image and font
    adccdbb fix: new handler if aucions not fount
    b3fcc33 Style for pagination and for IE
    3c78754 fix: search by auction and procedure type
    2ff9dad fix: remove duplicate attr
    28558b5 fix: styles for paginations
    7fbc990 fix: add translation datepicker and type auctions options
    d54e5d7 fix: fix test case
    263b4cc feat: add integration new search api and new pagination
    34a4dc2 fix: main page selects, buttons, style pagination
    f1f18d4 feat: add reset button to default form value
    a22c331 feat: add sidebar to main page
    163e563 feat:add to mobile ability to hide active filters
    6923c05 feat: change select input to react-select
    8e158e9 11.02.2022
    08ac434 24.04.2022
    e7a2cef 22.04.2022
    d779567 feat:[666, 667] redesign main page
  • v3.34.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.34.1
    632726f9 change:[841] sort auction field for date
    f8b3664c change:[842] add GA for menu hamburger
    d2faf1db change:[823] search form component to sidebar and main content
    12d1a757 fix:[843] when sorting is activated in the header, go to the first page
    d25cd28e add:[838] add google analytics to infinity auction
    9541da7b feat: add ga to main page
    db98d4c4 fix: calendar is cut at low screen resolutions
    ab0954d6 feat:[755] add style fonts for accessibility
  • v3.35.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.35.0
    0d0d309c fix:[805] border radius for top calendar
    1bbd6afe fix:[840] error for max value bids and fix field input
    fb65f7c5 fix:[843] sorting breaks when "show 10 more auctions" button is activated
    1afb6d5a fix:[845] auction-description out of block
    97658685 change:[825] fields auction type to responsive 1120px
    6491183a fix:[832] theme-color for manifest
  • v3.36.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.36.1
    d8aef8ad change:[849] add canceled and unsuccessfull status to dict statuses
    1c457c9f feat (search): move SimpleSell to CommercialSell
    e1162330 add:[850] display statuses auctions
    e35392bf fix: resolve function typo
    eac8c657 fix: add fb form script loaded listener to open it after it loaded
  • v3.36.2 protected
    Tagged release v3.36.2
    76bca3ee add: [860] background preloader page
    8a0c3741 fix:[860]background to body
  • v3.37.0 protected
    adcc5c65 · fix: translate ·
    Tagged release v3.37.0
    adcc5c65 fix: translate issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#892
    9f5b786a fix: check info message on connection lost
    8c4aa4f7 fix: check render bots
    2912e5bc fix: duplicate notifications
    c4d9c712 fix:[882] centered item text for progress menu
    8c1e52f4 fix: not send bit is valid issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#888
    1280f5bf fix: input not clean
    772f37b9 feat: styling not found auction page issue: prozorro-sale/auction-frontend#886
    36018e6e feat(ws): change unconfirmed bid action
    ca03f77d feat: styling not found page
    59d48748 feat: add web worker for check connection
    a4cc4589 fix: api-version contentType
    208b814d feat (ws): add action and transaction
    6eae7587 feat (ws): change ws connection url
    6c09097d Hotfix/v3.36.2
    542b76a5 feat (ws): change ws connection url
    4793adf8 fix:[869] scroll tooltip priority auction
    cf48d764 fix:[860]background to body
    c26bc648 add: [860] background preloader page
    01973d5b feed: replace react custom store to redux store. Add new websocket connection.
  • v3.38.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.38.0
    85debced fix: lost post bid after reconnect
  • v3.38.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.38.1
    acc1d742 fix: lost not valid post bid after reconnect/reload pages
  • v3.39.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.39.0
    89ea6ea3 feat: change check support browsers.
    2f4abf51 fix: change initial state bid form, that not show invalid input after refresh page.
  • v3.40.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.40.0
    bbd44e16 fix: change translation diffMinimalAndCurrentBid priority english.
    a310184a feed: change show bidders in precedence round in priority auction
  • v3.41.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.41.0
    e12437d3 fix: CSP for GA4 collect data in the EU
    4859111d feat: add google analytics 4 to the project.
  • v3.42.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.42.0
    e0eae71a CurrentTenants migration
  • v3.43.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.43.0
    04cb63a6 fix: useeffect dependencies in open pause.
    2f374f81 fix(priorityEnglish): added components import from english auction because of same behaviour
  • v3.44.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.44.0
    3d197c0f fix:[#910] scroll content error after height 0 image
    213d5093 feat: refactor errors components. Add handler if user use old auth process.
  • v3.44.1 protected
    Tagged release v3.44.1
    c85b0440 feat: return of the old auth.
  • v3.45.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.45.0
    3c1fea78 fix: show help text in priority precedence round.
    f1483d68 feat: return of the old auth.
    ea0f85b8 fix: show universal link about priority english.
    27e60ba2 fix: minor en translate.
    57572ea8 fix: change translation by priority auction.
    3c684275 fix: detection language from cookies.
    73242ba5 add filter bids in precedence round.
    a0ed4cfa fix: changed end result display logic by using sequential_rounds_results instead of bidsHistory
    94d141f3 feat: change priority english auction to multiple priority.
  • v3.46.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.46.0
    b92b45cb feat: change GA id.
    00a8463e feat: change local development process. Add procedure and auth services.
    a9771c7b fix: change error message if user use old auth.
    d879affa feat: remove old GA. Add missed GA event.
  • v3.47.0 protected
    Tagged release v3.47.0
    bfeb7d11 fix: change language key to backend format for survey form.
    578fb75a fix: update round title in header when change language.
    7fa37c2d feat: remove check invalid token and unnecessary component.
    3d536e0c fix: diffLocalAndServerTimePopup translation.