Tagged release v0.13.0

49a9fb0 fix(calculator): remove duble final_value
e71dc36 fix(config): billing config for LL-procedures.
352891e feat(api): change endpoint accountData/fromDate issue: prozorro-sale/billing#48
fd1bba0 fix(test): add clean prev config
708ff43 fix(config): billing config for LL-procedures.
f176dc3 feat(CSE/CSD): Add billing for commercialSell procedure
fd03709 fix(config): add taxAmount and valueAddedTaxIncluded issue: prozorro-sale/billing#47
8e3081b fix(calculator): change banker's rounding to half up round issue: prozorro-sale/billing#44
da530ca feat(config): Add separate fields tax, value, isTaxUsed.