Tagged release v3.0.22

664e53d Wrapp manager on  procedure complete endpoint with notifications
460cfbe Move timber classes to specific module #292
f5fbe13 Correct test case cancelling procedure
6edeba1 Add notification message triggering #292
4cadbde Add unit tests for timber proc and make some refactoring #292
428518f Refactoring and corrections  in procedure logic #292
a498f17 Add timber-english  spec and procurement method in model schema #292
58ff378 Implement timberEnglish procedure prototype #292
d3a60f0 Fix notifications databridge url
56c71c2 Add test case make proc unsuccessful when all awards were cancelled #305
d370514 Update tests with notifier
9aff272 Collect notifications
32b7434 Apply notifier to public events
874eb6b Make procedure unsuccessful after cancelling all awards #305
44f824a Remove rejectionProtocol from contract doc types