Tagged release v3.0.6

760fc60 Fixes #216 Add endpoint to cancel award in pending admission state for bidder
e194f1d Add cancelled status to the award state machine
f264acd Correct test case and add new for feature
f24c97c Update legalname data in models
687728a Fix metadata on generated procurement method field
8b18110 Fix metadata in custom fields
cb015e9 Convert document in object when read from history
a9e191a Validate bid value amount to be less than procedure value limit
9ac465f Generate created date in question model
569a552 CFixes #153 orrect validation message about positive bid value amount
f61bd91 Update tests
bc4725a Update active tendering duration
0f2ea74 Corrected calculating verification period
9b1e48b Add regex for id card
9a0fca3 Add calculation signing period for award after confirmation admission
019962e Add swagger definition for new endpoints
8293e85 Add endpoint to get available classifiers
3b2d7f0 Fix keys in the generation_type classifier
72a817b Change error codes from 404 to 403 on ForbiddenStatusError
0db1d66 Add migration
d15faab Change AdditionalClassifications scheme choice to GenerationType
d7ce909 Handle ForbiddenStatusError on the procedure_completion endpoint
0eaa379 Handle uactionId duplication