Tagged release v3.39.0

cb432080 fix(LLP): prozorro-sale/auction#184 current tenant winner position
c8e44f51 fix(LLP/LLE/LLD): update validation on leaseRules.intendedUse field. It should be unique now
c8d043f8 fix(LLP): Add migration to set default value to currentTenantGuaranteeFee field
73b3cb46 Increase minimum to 0.01 for current tenant guarantee for legitimate property lease.
99ad2f02 Make currentTenantGuaranteeFee required for LLP
728662ed fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): make bids docs not required when change status from draft to deleted
c8997ee3 fix(LLP): prozorro-sale/auction#184 current tenant winner position
0683e66c fix: move initialValueAmount adding to bid from active auction to  tendering end
3c1ac200 feat(LLE, LLD, LLP): add error messages for zero and negative schedule values
80503463 Revert "Merge branch 'kpn/184/winner_currentTenant' into 'master'"
678e7089 fix(LLP): prozorro-sale/auction#184 current tenant winner position
5a323ec7 fix(LLE, LLD, LLP): remove valueAddedTaxCharged validation, field autogenerate
b2d0ed7a feat(schema): Rename model ValueWithoutTax to Value. Rename model Value to ValueWithTax. Add model ValueTaxDeprecated
a6e77f49 fix: add object items list validation for lease migrations
c41e3b0c fix: correct CommonClientBid schema
86d92823 fix(LLP): add validation for base.LifeTime dateFrom and dateTill
3c514644 Update tests
110b0caf (feat LLP,LLD,LLE): Update VechicleItem and OtherPropertyItem classifiers filtration