Tagged release v3.40.0

9ebc2519 fix(LL): fix period field usage and validation
4432c6f4 feat(migrations): Add migration to remove empty period field
1434132d Fix min items for schedule period model
3ea43ff0 Feat(CI/CD): change templates for build helm chart Issue: prozorro-deployment/#69
139d6c7a Fix(API): documents of bids available to open in procedures  status complete Issue: #1129
90d3e93f fix(databridge): change get_procedure_object role to public
ab8f3b12 Increase minimum to 0.01 for guarantee for legitimate property lease.
a9290cfa Feat(CI/CD): change deploy dependency Issue: prozorro-sale/prozorro-deployment#69
899c93b3 Fix validation for lifeTime model.
feaffe70 Fix description for organization without contacts structure.
2f1659b1 fix(LLD): Mark minimalStep field as readonly. Fix minimalStep field calculation
3ba248af Fix legal names for contract's status active for dgf and basic sell procedures