Tagged release v3.43.0

984b160c fix(build): fix specs job name
0bc02af7 fix(lle/lld/llp): fix notifications on award status changed through state machine
3c5e8b0d test: fix failed period tests
35f66c82 fix(swagger): update swagger specs for update_clarifying_question operation
802fff10 fix(LSE tests): changed tests for LSE procedure
a1532813 fix(LSE schema): removed contractTime from contract, rename leaseType -> saleType
51def915 feat: remove deprecated valuewithTax fields, add migrations
812d31f4 fix(LLP): remove unused discount field
8826c783 fix(LSE bids docs history): added public access to bids docs history in active qualification period
bf88684b fix(LRE bids docs history): added public access to bids docs history in active qualification period
95877205 feat(logging): update logging config with new formatter class
5f069920 fix(_classification_id migration): added migration for _classification_id field pop
a8072c38 Structure fixes for land rental
a2f6252c Add readOnly for leaseType for LRE.
9e05690b fix(SellingEntity schema): adde inheritance from Organization schema
47216491 Fix required fields for landRental-english.
242ec7ed fix(classification id): moved tech field _classification_id to respective yml files
58e39e7d feat(LSE): allowed contract update on signed status
e733cd92 fix(tests): Fix failed tests
cf938c21 build: Tweak artifacts url
f24c32e5 fix(styles): Reformat code style
0fd59548 feat(LSE): add procedure dictionary to fixtures and activate tests
e88b6021 Add landSell structure.Add legal names for land sell procedure.
c4ae1650 feat(LSE): add landSale procedure