Tagged release v3.47.0

fe421d92 build: update logging config for new tools lib
6c6d8007 feat: update procedure logging with procedre status changed event
d6810ca6 fix(swagger): Increase java heap space, update swagger-client-cli version to latest
13b2bc13 fix: Update can_update_until to camel case migration with logic for custom procedures
7fa5d33a fix: change Question "can_update_until" field to CamelCase
aebe8892 refactored tools.errors expects import
4ae52543 refactored aiotask_context, prozorro-tools logger
e5929ccf build: bump schematics version
89182ecc fix(transferPriorityPeriod.endDate): added condition for end date calculation based on rectificationPeriod.endDate
72104b93 feat:(test) add test on invalid token issue: prozorro-sale/procedure#1283
25503269 PRZ-800-Fix default values for mongo helm charts
da98c648 Fix legalName for basicSellItemType
340fefba fix(BSE/BSD/LSE/LRE/LSP/GFD/GFE clarifications doc): removed clarifications doc requirement for update_document, update_document_list methods
7e3fd4b9 fix(LSP): Do not display bids with inactive status
6e8a7c1e fix(LLP transferAct): removed transferAct from required if award is for current tenant
f8f88923 fix(LRE/LSE/LSP fields): updated guarantee, minimalStep, registrationFee value validation
aca82f12 fix(base schema): change phone number pattern
a9d12f8e feat(allProc): forbid auction to start on weekends
9f55804d fix(BSE): bids in status 'inactive' shouldn't be passed to proc after active_auction
9a6852ce fix pytest local launch