Tagged release v3.50.0

33f1ccd4 fix(ALE): fix bid required docs check
931ae723 refactor(ALE): refactor due to migration to version 2 of specs
591eae6c refactor:integration tests from unittest to pytest
e4048ff4 refactor(states): changed string usage to constants
b946ea30 fix(LR/LS/AA/RM): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin
c48cc5ea fix(ensure completion method): changed error message
6f3a4de0 fix(TI): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
adac1ab4 fix(SU): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
100c1285 fix(RC): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
aced1759 fix(LL): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
6f12d0fe fix(GF): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
38e66adb fix(BS): added inheritance from AwardsCreationMixin, made dutch inital auction _required_bid_number = 0
52da4da2 fix(AwardsCreationMixin): added mixin for creating awards in states
78a2be57 Up auth version
fbc13e4f feat(prolongation): add endpoint to get prolongation max date
4a8e2ed5 fix(tests): added mock for business day
becc30aa fix(ALE): change specs url from epic to basic
dddcf575 fix(ALE): use _inject_classification_id_to_item_props in update_item
65adc921 fix(ALE): use _sorted_active_bids from procedure
26ee5b67 fix(ALE): remove required from contractTime dateFrom dateTill
d3f2dd9f fix(ALE): Missed initialValueAmount field
c15377aa fix(ALE): change bankAccount to BankAccountsByType
f05a57a4 fix(ALE): fix bankAccounts for ALE procedure
c5c03482 Add admissionReason to legal names for LRE, LSE, LSP.
05ec972b feat(AAE): make auto requalify pending_waiting award if it was recently qualified
fee53f6d fix(BSE/BSD): change bankAccount field to BankAccountsByType
b2691481 Fix bankAccounts for basicSell procedure.
b264ea8f fix(AAE): forbid to requalificate not activated awards
2c063096 fix(subsoil initial-qualification): updated required number of bids
33a8cce5 feat(AAE): add logic to pause auction between tender endDate and auction startDate
1836827d fix(landProps.landArea): added validation and migration tests
5af4bbd1 fix(LandProps.landArea): added maximum value + data migration
30c8c0a9 fix(BSE/BSD): Add validation to cadastralNumber
5758cbd3 fix(AAE): remove from award whitelist title description fields
b095d6df fix(LSP, LRE): add sellingEntity migrations
8ebdd973 hotfix(helm): migration job turn off issue: rozorro-sale/procedure#1377
e9419d94 fix(BSE): Missed initialValueAmount field
5938997d fix(apply migrations): added info logging about objects
59cac077 fix(BSE, BSD): remove required from contractTime daeFrom dateTill
74ee07b9 feat(ALE): change specs url to epic
209cd42d feat(ALE): implement ALE procedure
8718259d feat(ALE): add structure and legalNames for ALE procedure