Tagged release v3.53.0

a1b2aaa2 fix: remove katottg identifier field usage
9fa511f9 fix: add migration to remove katottg identifier field. Skip 64 as unused
3476309b feat(integration): dict speedup
bc28487a fix(BSD): fix spec
47ef4f3b refactor(tests) add send_notifications mock
43011538 fix(prolongation): add notifications context manager to activate_prolongation handler
25ec1e6e fix(AddressMulti): added migration for AddressMulti postal code
bca9c554 fix(LSE/LSP/LRE): Add integration tests
7d88d503 fix(AddressMulti): added ukrainian postal code validation
758a2b04 fix(AAE): Do not display bids if procedure was canceled before auctionPeriod.endDate
3c085a03 fix(LRE/LSE/LSP): Add validation for the same tenderAttempts, check previousAuctionId duplicated
9bc6f45a fix(LRE/LSE/LSP): Missed disqualifiedBids if tenderAttempts more than 2
2d10fa5b fix(AAE): Do not display bids if procedure was canceled before auctionPeriod.endDate
c0059b9a Move tests from unit to pytest
9615d4d5 refactor(aiohttp): freeze version 3.8.1
e02c9121 fix(CSE/CSD): Fix legal names, contractProforma optional document
781e3fd7 refactor(RegistrationDetails): moved RegistrationDetails model to base models
e13fa591 feat(BSE BSD): change second award status to cancelled if prolongation activated
5bfd5d48 refactor(model generator): remove deepcopy from create_procedure
e893b322 refactor(AwardsMixin): created base _AwardsMixin for transitions notification
9905cba5 refactor(awards): moved AwardStatusUpdateMixin to base award module
1bae0e11 feat(tests): add calculator tests for new specs version
8e3b4b95 Integrate with pipenv