Tagged release v3.64.0

ca6718bb fix: update snapshots
6ec4b0d0 feat(protect): Add /procedure/{id}/__protect endpoint to manually protect procedures procedure#1677
6260f01f fix(CLE/CLD): remove forbidden fields on active tendering state procedure#1672
7d18700a fix(change owner): added broker name validation
a7010a5b feat: add protection level to 'protect' command; add abilty to protect archive data
64d363d8 feat: hide history data for protected procedures
8b00d174 feat: add protect functionality for all procedures. Add different protection levels. Update tests with snapshots
3fc1abfe fix: change dutchStepPercent default value issue: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/procedure/-/issues/1671
2cf2be37 feat(change owner): added databridge endpoints for bid/procedure owner change
81569c9e fix: update bsd procedure auction period specs
d22ee97f fix(RLE, RLD, CLE, CCLD): make bankAccounts lease type required
67768d90 refactor(LL): change legal name CR: https://gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/change-requests/-/issues/207
7767f06d fix(CLE, CLD): remove requiredness of representativeInfo
cae9dbb7 fix(BRW): remove evaluationCriteria doc type from allowable docs
8d672634 fix(RLE, RLD): add valuePeriod leaseDuration bid deactivation fields
19ca83c3 fix(CLE, CLD): add contract transferAct document type
88b435b8 feat(dutch auction): forbid to update activated bids